We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who threw themselves into
the publication of Anthology of Short Stories for Young Learners with passion,
tenacity and commitment. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to Dr Hamidah Binti
Samsudin, the Director of Institute of Teacher Education Kent Campus, all the lecturers
from the Language Department and PISMP TESL SK and SJK(C) student teachers
June 2020 Intake for their contribution towards the successful publication of this book.
Besides, we would like to offer our special thanks to Madam Daisy Ak Benedict
Bamsa, the Head of English Unit of Institute of Teacher Education Kent Campus. Her
constructive feedback was an enormous help to us. Without her tutelage, this book
would not have materialised.
Lastly, we are deeply grateful to Alin Natasha binti Mazli and Josselyn binti
Willison, who were directly involved in the production of this book.