
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

: shouldn't والتعبٌرات التالٌة تساوى استخدام

  • It is not advisable to + Inf - It's inadvisable to + Inf

  • It's not a good idea to + Inf - I advise you not to + Inf

  • I suggest not + v-ing - If I were you, I wouldn't + Inf ......

  • It is not advisable to eat with dirty hands. - It's inadvisable to smoke.

  • It's not a good idea to travel by car. It‘s a rough road.

  • If I were you, I wouldn't travel by car. It‘s a rough road.

من وجهة نظر المتحدث أو بسبب المتعارف علٌه: الإلزام وعن الضرورة must تعبر -

  • I‘m late. I must leave now. - You must respect your parents.

:قوٌة عن نصٌحة must تعبر -
(مثل قواعد الصحة العامة والشخصٌة) :

  • You mustn‟t eat that cheese. It’s green.

  • You must stop smoking. It‘s destroying your health.

دعوة حارة :عن must تعبر -

  • You must come around and see us.

تذكٌر النفس والاخرٌن بضرورة فعل شا ما : عن must تعبر -

  • We must visit our grandparents more often. (= it is mportant to us that we do.)

القواعد والتعلٌمات والقوانٌن بوجة عام عن must تعبر -

  • Answers must be written in ink. (= Exam instructions)

  • Drivers must stop when when the traffic light is red. (= General law)

  • You must pay your taxes. - You must obey school rules.

: غالبا عند وجود ضرورة لسبب خارج عن ارادة المتحدث have / need toتستخدم -

  • We have to go to school today. We have important exams.

: must / have toوالتعبٌرات التالٌة تساوى استخدام -

  • It's necessary ( for you ) to + Inf - It's a necessity ( for you ) to + Inf

  • It‟s a rule. - You are obliged to + Inf

وتساوى : needn‟t + infلاحظ أن نفى الضرورة ٌكون بـ -

Subj. + don't / doesn't + (have / need to) + Inf

  • It's still early, you don't have to hurry.

  • She doesn't need to buy sugar, there is much.
    3. Subj. + must + Inf = Subj. + have to / has to + Inf

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