
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

ػٍيٙح ػٍُ جٌمٍجطٕس يٍفٍف فٝ جٌٙٛجء، ٌٚأيص ٍْيفٍ فٝ أقى جٌٍّجود جٌظغيٍز فٝ ٔٙحيس جٌشحؽة ضٍٓمص أقى جٌطلاي، ضّىٕص ِٓ ٌؤيس ٘يٓرحٔيٛلا ٚ
ٕحن يطكىظ ِغ ٌؾحٌٗ، ٌُ أضّىٓ ِٓ ّْحع ِح يمٌٛٛٔٗ ذحٌٍغُ ِٓ إٔٔٝ وٕص أّْغ طٍجل جٌررغحء، وحذطٓ فٍٕص، وحٔص جٌشّّ ضغٍخ ٍْٚػحْ ِح وحْ ٘
ٍلص ٚلطح ؽٛيلا لأِشٝ جٌٝ جٌظهٍز جٌريؼحء قيع أنرٍٔٝ ذٓ ؾٓ أْ ٍِورٗ وحْ ػرحخ أوٌوص إٔٔٝ يؿد أْ أٍْع لأؾى جٌٍّود ً٘ج جٌّٓحء، جْطغ
It was nearly dark when I finally found it inside a tent made of animal skins. It was badly made from old
wood and it was very small, although I thought that it would be very fast on water. Now I had my own plan. I
thought that I could go the Hispaniola in the night and cut the rope to the anchor. So, I ate my biscuits while I
waited for it to become dark. When I stood up later, there was mist everywhere. I picked up the boat and
carried it to the beach. In the darkness, I could just see a fire where the pirates were sleeping in the trees, and
another distant light from the Hispaniola. I put the small boat into the water, and began my journey to the
ػٕىِح ٚؾىش جٌٍّود وجنً نيّس ِظٕٛػس ِٓ ؾٍٛو جٌكيٛجٔحش، ٌمى وحٔص طٕحػطٗ ْيثس فمى ضُ طٕؼٗ ِٓ نشد لىيُ ٚ وحْ ٌمى وحْ جٌٛلص ِظٍّح ضمٍيرح
ذحٌٍيً ٚأْ لاٛئحرٓي٘ ٌٝج د٘يأ ْأ ٕٕٝىّي ٗٔأ شٍىف ،سطحهٌج ٝططن ٜىٌ ْلآج ،ءحٌّج ٍٝػ جًىؾ ًحؼيٍْ ْٛىيْ ٗٔأ شىمطػأ ٕٝٔأ ِٓ ُغٌٍحذ ًجىؾ جٍيغط
صطمطٌأ ،ْحىِ ًو ٝف خحرػ نحٕ٘ ْحو ح٘ىؼذ صؼٙٔ حِىٕػ ،ًحِحّض ٍُظيٌ ٛؿٌج ٍظطٔأ صٕو حّٕيذ صيٛىٓذ ِٓ ٝؼِ حِ صٍوأ هًٌٌ ،زحٍْألطغ قرحي جٌّ
د جٌٍّود ٚقٍّطٗ ٌٍشحؽة ٚفٝ جٌظلاَ وٕص فمؾ أٌٜ ٔحٌج قيع وحْ جٌمٍجطٕس يٕحِْٛ ذيٓ جلأشؿحٌ، ٚػٛء أنٍ ذؼيى ِٓ ٘يٓرحٔيٛلا، ٚػؼص جٌٍّو
ٌّحء ٚذىأش ٌقٍطٝ جٌٝ جٌٓفيٕس. جٌظغيٍ فٝ ج
I found that the boat was very difficult to steer, but the wind helped me to get to the Hispaniola. Soon,
I was next to the big ship and I began cutting the thick anchor rope. I could now hear some of the pirates
talking on the ship. One of the men was called Hands, but I did not know the other man. They both seemed
angry. The rope finally broke, and I moved away from the ship.
٘يٓرحٔيٛلا، ٍْٚػحْ ِح وٕص ذؿٛجٌ جٌٓفيٕس ٌمى ٚؾىش أٔٗ ِٓ جٌظؼد ؾىج أْ يطكٍن جٌٍّود فٝ جٌّحء ذٓلاْس، ٌٚىٓ جٌٍيحـ ْحػىضٕٝ أْ أطً جٌٝ
جٌٍؾً جٌىريٍز ٚذىأش فٝ لطغ قرً جٌٍّْحز جٌغٍيع، ٚوٕص ػٕىٖ أّْغ ذؼغ جٌمٍجطٕس يطكىغْٛ ػٍٝ جٌٓفيٕس، أقىُ٘ وحْ يّٓٝ ٘حٔىَ، ٌٚىٕٝ ٌُ أػٍف
.سٕيفٌٓج ٓػ جًىؼطرِ حٔأ صوٍكضٚ ًركٌج صؼطل سيحٌٕٙج ٝف ،ٓيرػحغ حٔحو ،ٍنلآج
As I was leaving, I saw a light in one of the windows where the sailors were talking. I don’t know why,
but I decided to look into the window. I saw that Hands and the other pirate were fighting each other. I sat
down in the boat, but I realised that the wind was taking me quickly out to sea. Now it no longer had the
anchor rope, the wind was moving the Hispaniola , too! The wind took my boat into large waves. I closed my
eyes and waited for a terrible end, dreaming of my home and the Admiral Benbow. The next thing I knew, it
was light and I found myself in the boat on the south-west end of Treasure Island. The sun was up, but I
couldn’t see it because of the high cliffs on this side of the island. There were big waves hitting the rocks
below, and it would be impossible for me to take the boat to the shore.
حفًز، ٌأيص أْ ٌٕج ًنجو ٌٝج ًنجو ٍظٔأ ْأ شٌٍل ٕٝىٌٚ جيحٌّ ٍُػأ لا ،ْٛغىكطي سٕطجٍمٌج ْحو عيق ًفجٌٕٛج ىقأ ِٓ ًحيضآ جًءٛػ صيأٌ ،ٌوحغأ صٕو حّٕيذ
وص أْ جٌٍيحـ وحٔص ضىفؼٕٝ ذٍٓػس ذؼيىج جٌٝ جٌركٍ، جلآْ لا ٘حٔىَ ٚجٌمٍطحْ جلآنٍ وحٔح يطمحضلاْ ِغ ذؼؼّٙح جٌرؼغ، ؾٍٓص فٝ جٌٍّود ٌٚىٕٝ أوٌ
ٍٚػس، ِ سيحٙٔ شٍظطٔأٚ ٜحٕيػ صمٍغأ ،سّهؼٌج ؼجِٛلأج ٌٝج ـحيٌٍج ٕٝضًنأ ،ًحؼيأ لاٛئحرٓي٘ نٍكض ـحيٌٍج صٔحو هًٌٌ جًوٛؾِٛ زحٌٍّْج ًرق ىؼي
ـ ٚٚؾىش ٔفٓٝ فٝ جٌٍّود فٝ جٌطٍف جٌؿٕٛخ غٍذٝ ِٓ ؾُيٍز ٚوٕص أقٍُ ذىيحٌٜ ٚأوِيٍجي ذيٕرٛ، غحٔٝ شة أوٌوطٗ ذؼى يٌه وحْ ٌٔٛ جٌظرح
جٌىُٕ،أشٍلص جٌشّّ ٌٚىٕٝ ٌُ أْططغ ٌؤيطٙح ذٓد جٌّٕكىٌجش جٌٍّضفؼس فٝ ً٘ج جٌؿحٔد ِٓ جٌؿُيٍز، وحْ ٕ٘حن أِٛجؼ وريٍز ضؼٍخ جٌظهٌٛ فٝ
جلأْفً ، ٚوحْ ِٓ جٌّٓطكيً أْ آنً جٌٍّود جٌٝ جٌشحؽة.
I remembered that on the map, there was a place called Cape of Woods. This was a place of tall trees
and it also had a beach. I would try to get there. The boat sailed well, but when I tried to steer it, the boat hit
the waves and I was soon completely wet. I realised, however, that if I lay down in the boat, it found its way
through the waves on its own. I used a paddle to steer the boat a little, and it moved very slowly towards the
Cape of Woods.
نٍكض ،نحٕ٘ د٘يأ ْأ صٌٚحق ،ًحؼيأ ةؽحش ٗذ ْحوٚ سٍيٛطٌج ٌحؿشلأٌ ًحٔحىِ ْحو ىلٚ ،سذحغٌج ْحٌٓ ّٝٓي ًحٔحىِ نحٕ٘ ْحو سطيٍهٌج ٝف ْأ شٍوًض
فٓيؿى دوٌٍّج ٝف شىلٌ جيج ٕٝٔأ صوٌوأ هٌي غِٚ ،حًِحّض صٍٍرض حِ ْحػٍْٚ ؼجِٛلأحذ دوٌٍّج َىططأ ٗذ عٍْأ ْأ صٌٚحق حِىٕػ ٓىٌٚ ًجىيؾ دوٌٍّج
د ذرطة شىيى ٔحقيس ٌٓحْ جٌغحذس. وٌٍّج نٍكضٚ ،ًلايٍل دوٌٍّج نٍقلأ ًحفجىؿِ صِىهطْج ،ٖوٍفّذ ؼجِٛلأج ٍرػ ٌٗ حميٍؽ

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