Chapter 9
جـــــــــزيـــــرة الكــــــــــــــــنز
تاسعلا الفصــــــــــل
bandage ضمادة sails أشرعة
catch ٌمسك / ٌقبض على rocky صخرى
deck سطح السفٌنة thirsty عطشان
flat حطسم^ /^ و تسم mud طٌن
mast صارى السفٌنة dead مٌت
reach ٌصل الى painfully بشكل مإلم
shallow ضحل / غٌر عمٌق close ٌغلق / قرٌب
shoulder دعِاس^ /^ فتك lying on ىلع^ ا^ دمم^ /^ ادقار
wound جرح / اصابة put on ٌرتدى
wreck حطام / تتحطم سفٌنة away from نع^ ادٌعب
come any closer ٌقترب أكثر fall down into ٌسقط فى
get nearer ٌقترب أكثر on top of على قمة
give a cry ٌطلق صرخة at the side of فى جانب
go downstairs للطابق الأسفلٌنزل get onto the ship ٌصعد الى السفٌنة
sail a ship ٌقود سفٌنة pass through ٌجتاز / ٌمر بـ
take down a flag ملعلا^ لزِنٌُ through ... at ٌرمى ... فى
make a lot of noise ٌسبب ضجة كبٌرة run towards ٌجرى تجاه
fly through the air ٌطٌر فى الهواء with a bad leg ةباصم^ لجرِب
Jim Hawkins:
It was very hot and I was thirsty. The trees were near now, but before I could feel happy, I saw the
Hispaniola sailing around. I was so thirsty that I did not know whether I would be happy or sad if the pirates
found me. I watched the Hispaniola and saw that it went east, then west, then stopped. Then it did the same
again and again. Nobody was sailing it! But where were the men? I thought if I could get onto the ship, I could
return it to Captain Smollett. I started to paddle the boat, sometimes hitting waves, but slowly getting closer
to the ship.
ٌىٌؾس جىؾ ْحثّظ صٕو ،ءحكٔلأج ٝف ٍكرض لاٛئحرٓي٘ صيأٌ ،ـٍفٌحذ ٍؼشأ ْأ ًرل ٓىٌٚ ْلآج سريٍل ٌحؿشلأج صٔحو ،ْحثّظ صٕوٚ ًجىؾ ْجٍق صٕو ىمٌ
جً٘ ٌٍىض ُغ ،صفلٛض ُغ حًذٍغ ُغ حًلٍش صٙؿضج حٙٔأ صيأٌ ٚإٔٔٝ ٌُ جػٍف ػٕى٘ح جيج وٕص ْأفٍـ أٚ أقُْ جيج ٚؾىٔٝ جٌمٍجطٕس، شح٘ىش ٘يٓرحٔيٛلا
ٌٛيص، ذىأش ّْ ٓطذحىٌ ح٘ىيػُأ ْأ غيططْأ حّذٍف سٕيفٌٓج ٍٝػ ىؼطأ ْأ صؼططْج ٌٛ ٕٝٔأ شٍىف ؟يحؾٌٍج ْحو ٓيأ ٓىٌٚ !ح٘وٛمي ْحو ىقأ لا ،زىيىػ شجٍِ
ٓ جٌٓفيٕس. ِ ةطرذ صذٍطلأ ٓىٌٚ ؼجِٛلأحذ َىطظي ٝروٍِ ْحو حٔحيقأ ،دوٌٍّحذ فىؾٌأ
As I got nearer, I saw nobody on the ship. It was so close that I could almost touch it. Suddenly, the
wind changed and the ship was almost on top of me. I held onto a rope at the side of the ship just before it hit
my little boat, which went under the waves. So, I found myself on the Hispaniola, with no other boat to save
فٛلٝ، ضّٓىص ًحريٍمض سٕيفٌٓج ْحوٚ ـحيٌٍج شٍيغض زأؿف ،حٙطٌّٓ حًريٍمض ٕٝٔأ سؾٌىٌ ًجىؾ حريٍل صٕو ،سٕيفٌٓج ٍٝػ ْحو ىقأ لا ْأ صيأٌ ،صذٍطلأ حِىٕػ
ٍِورٝ جٌظغيٍ ٚجًٌٜ ٌجـ ضكص جلاِٛجؼ، ًٌٌه ٚؾىش ٔفٓٝ ػٍٝ ٘يٓرحٔيٛلا ذىْٚ أٜ ٍِود آنٍ ٌيٕمًٔٝ. ذكرً فٝ ؾحٔد جٌٓفيٕس لرً أْ ضؼٍخ