
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

We had only two miles to go to the shore. It was difficult to get to the correct place on the coast, but
Hands told me what to do. This part of the island was full of trees and we could see the wreck of an old ship
lying on a flat beach. “We can stop there, on the beach,” said Hands. I steered the ship slowly onto the beach,
where it stopped with a low noise. I was so excited to arrive back at the island that I forgot to watch Hands. I
suddenly turned round and there he was, standing with a knife in his hand. I cried out and he jumped at me.
ج جٌؿُء ً٘ ْحو ،ٍٗؼف دؿي حِ ٍٝٔرنأ َىٔح٘ ٓىٌٚ ًقحٌٓج ٍٝػ فيكظٌج ْحىٌّج ٌٝج ًظٔ ْأ ًحرؼط ْحو ىمٌ ،ةؽحشٌج ٌٝج ًظٌٕ ؾمف ْلايِ حِٕحِأ ْحو
حن ػٍٝ جٌشحؽة" لىش جٌٓفيٕس ذرطة ٕ٘ فلٛطٔ ْأ حٕٕىّي" :َىٔح٘ يحل ،ٍٛطِٓ ةؽحش ٍٝػ ٝمٍُِ سّيىل سٕيفْ َحطق حٕيأٌٚ ٌحؿشلأحذ ًحثيٍِ زٍيُؿٌج ِٓ
ًحفلجٚ نحٕ٘ ْحو عيق زأؿف شٌىطْأ ،َىٔح٘ ى٘حشأ ٌُ ٕٝٔأ سؾٌىٌ زٍيُؿٌج ٌٝج ٌٝٛطٚ ىٕػ جًىؾ ًجىيؼْ صٕو ،سٍيٍل سؿؼذ صفلٛض عيق ،ةؽحشٌج سيقحٔ
ذٓىيٓ فٝ يىٖ، طٍنص ذظٛش ػحي ٚلفُ ٘ٛ ٔحقيطٝ.
I moved quickly to one side and he fell on the deck. Before he could stand up again, I took a gun from
my jacket. However, the gun was wet from my journey and it did not work. I was very angry with myself. I was
surprised at how fast he could move with the wound in his leg. As he ran towards me, I got ready to run away
from him again, and he stopped. I remembered a game that I used to play with my friends in Black Hill Cove
when one of us would try to catch the other. I was always good at this game and I thought that I could easily
run away from this older pirate with a bad leg.
ضكٍوص ذٍٓػس جٌٝ أقى جٌؿٛجٔد ْٚمؾ ٘ٛ ػٍٝ ظٍٙ جٌٓفيٕس، ٚلد أْ يٓططيغ جٌٕٙٛع ٍِز أنٍٜ أنٍؾص ِٓىْٝ ِٓ ِؼطفٝ، ٌٚىٓ جٌّٓىِ وحْ
،ٌٍٗؾ ٝف ًٌٜج ـٍؿٌج ِٓ ُغٌٍحذ حٙذ نٍكطي ْحو ٝطٌج سػٌٍٓج ٜىِ ِٓ ًحثؾحفطِ حًؼيأ صٕو ،ٝٓفٔ ِٓ جًىؾ ْحرؼغ صٕو ،ًّؼي ٌُٚ ٝطٍقٌ درٓذ لاً ٍرِ
ح يّٕح وحْ يؿٍٜ ٔحقيطٝ، أْطؼىوش ٌٍٍٙخ ِٕٗ ٍِز أنٍٜ فطٛلف ٘ٛ، ٚضًوٍش أٔح ٌؼرس أػطىش أْ أٌؼرٙح ِغ أطكحذٝ فٝ ذلان ٘يً وٛف قيع أقىٔذ
ثس. يٌٓج ًؾٌٍج ٚي َٛؿؼٌج ْحطٍمٌج جً٘ ِٓ سٌٛٙٓذ خٍ٘أ ْأ ٝٔحىِاذ ٗٔأ ىمطػأ صٕوٚ سرؼٌٍج هٍض ٝف جًىيؾ حّتجو صٕو ،ٍنلآحذ ككٍي ْأ يٚحكي
At that moment, a wave hit the Hispaniola. When the ship moved, we both fell over and I nearly fell
onto Hands. Before he could stand, I decided to climb up the mast of the ship. Up in the sails, I had time to
repair my gun and soon it would be ready to fire again. Hands looked up at me and saw my plan. He, too,
started to climb the sails, but he could only climb slowly because of his bad leg.
طّىٓ ِٓ جٌٛلٛف لٌٍش أْ ي ْأ ًرل ،َىٔح٘ ٍٝػ حٔأ صؼلٚ ًحريٍمضٚ حٔلاو غلٚ سٕيفٌٓج صوٍكض حِىٕػٚ ،لاٛئحرٓي٘ صذٍػ ؼجِٛلأج ىقأ ،سظكٌٍج ًٖ٘ ٝف
ٍظٔ ،ٍٜنأ زٍِ ٌحٌٕج قلاؽلإ ٍجُ٘حؾ فرطأ حِ ْحػٍْٚ ْٝىِٓ فٍطلأ صلٚ ٜىٌ ْحو سػٍشلأج ٍٝػأ ٝف نحٕ٘ٚ ،سٕيفٌٓج سيٌحْ /أضٍٓك طحٌٜ
.سذحظٌّج ٍٗؾٌ درٓذ ةطرذ كٍٓطي ْحو ٕٗىٌٚ ،سػٍشلأج كٍٓطي ًحؼيأ ٛ٘ أىرف ،ٝططن فٍػٚ ٍٝػأ ٌٝج َىٔح٘
Before he was near me, I had the gun ready. “If you come any closer, Mr Hands, you will be dead!” He
stopped and I could see he was thinking about what he could do. “You’re clever, Jim Hawkins,” he said.
“You’ve won.” I started to laugh, thinking I was clever, when suddenly he threw something at me. His knife
flew through the air and hit me in the shoulder. I was so surprised that, without knowing how, my gun fired.
Hands gave a cry and fell down into the sea. I never saw him again.
ٍص ٌٗ: "جيج ألطٍذص أوػٍ يح ْيى ٘حٔىَ ْطّٛش!" ضٛلف ػٕى٘ح ٚوٕص أٌٜ أٔٗ وحْ يفىٍ فيّح يّىٕٗ فؼٍٗ، وٕص لى ؾُٙش ِٓىْٝ، ل لرً أْ يمطٍخ ِٕٝ،
جء ٚأطحذٕٝ فٝ ٌٛٙج ٝف ٕٗيىْ ٌحؽ ىمٌ ،ٝطيقحٔ حِ ًحثيش ٌِٝ زأؿف ٕٗىٌٚ ًجٍ٘حِ ٕٝٔأ ًجىمطؼِ هكػأ شأىذ "شُف ىمٌ ،ُٕوٚح٘ ُيؾ حي ٍ٘حِ صٔأ" :ٌٝ يحل
.ًجىذأ ح٘ىؼذ ٖجٌأ ٌُٚ ،ٍكرٌج ٝف ؾمْٚ َىٔح٘ لٍط ،صحطٌٍج صمٍؽأ ٌٜوأ ْأ ْٚو ٕٝٔأ سؾٌىٌ ً جىؾ حًثؾحفطِ صٕو ،ٝفطو
The knife passed through my shoulder into the wood of the mast, so I could not move. It hurt badly. It
took a long time before I could think. When I finally looked at the knife, I saw that it only went through a small
piece of skin. It was not difficult to take out. I climbed back to the deck and found a bandage for my wound. I
was now alone on the ship and it was nearly dark. I quickly took down all the sails I could reach and then
jumped down into the shallow water. I walked onto the sand, leaving the Hispaniola half on the beach and half
in the water.
ىِح ٌمى أنطٍق جٌٓىيٓ وطفٝ ٚٚطً جٌٝ نشد جٌظحٌٜ، ًٌٌه ٌُ أْططغ جٌطكٍن، وحْ ضإٌّٕٝ ذشىز ٚفحش ٚلص ؽٛيً لرً أْ أْططيغ جٌطفىيٍ، ٚػٕ
شىؾٚٚ فطٌٓج ٌٝج ٍٜنأ زٍِ شىؼط ،فلٌّٛج جً٘ ِٓ ؼٍنأ ْج ًحرؼط ٓىي ٌُ ،ىٍؿٌج ِٓ ؾيٓذ ءُؾ خحطأ ؾمف ٗٔأ شىؾٚ ٓيىٌٓج ٌٝج جٍينأ شٍظٔ
ُش لف ُغ حٙيٌج يٛطٌٛج صؼططْأ ٝطٌج سػٍشلأج ًو يجُٔاذ سػٍٓذ صّل ،ًحٍّظِ ًحريٍمض ٛؿٌج ْحوٚ سٕيفٌٓج ٓطِ ٍٝػ ْلآج ٜىقٚ صٕو ،ٝقٍؿٌ زوحّػ
.ءحٌّج ٝف حٙفظٔٚ ةؽحشٌج ٍٝػ حٙفظٔ لاٛئحرٓي٘ جًٌوحغِ خجٍطٌج ٍٝػ عيشِٚ ًكؼٌج ءحٌّج ٝف

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