
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

Chapter 10

جـــــــــزيـــــرة الكــــــــــــــــنز

عاشرلا ـلالفصــــــ

alive على قٌد الحٌاة parrot / pleased ببغاء / مسرور
care ٌراعى / اهتمام^ - ٌهتم join / leader ٌنضم الى / قابد
rules قواعد / قوانٌن remain / unusual ٌبقى / غٌر معتاد^ - ٌظل
torch ةلعشُ^ /^ فاشك Trial محاكمة / محاولة
trapped / adventure محتجز / مغامرة waste / shoulder ٌضٌع / كتف
bring – brought رضحٌُ a weak voice صوت خافت / ضعٌف
dark / gang مظلم / عصابة^ - ظلام guards / anchor ةاسرم^ /^ سارحُ
lie down on a bed ٌتمدد على فراش angrily / was gone بغضب / اختفى
held onto ٌتشبث بـ / ٌتمسك بـ go back / somewhere ٌعود / فى مكان ما
on my own بمفردى walk back to ىلا^ ا^ ٌشام^ دوعٌ
Find my way أعرف طرٌقى Anymore اكثر من هذا
more of a a man اكثر رجولة look badly hurt ةدشب^ ا^ باصم^ ودبٌ
look round ٌنظر فى الجوارٌستكشف / take ... back to ىلا^ ...^ دٌعٌُ
look out of ٌنظر من خلال Be about to على وشك أن
look after ٌعتنى بـ run into ٌصطدم بـ
look forward to ٌتطلع الى now that لأن / بما أن

Jim Hawkins:
At last, I was back on the island. The ship was safe from the pirates, ready for our men to go back to
sea. I looked forward to telling my friends about my latest adventure and started to walk back across the
island. I remembered the map, so I knew how to return to the place where I had met Ben Gun for the first
time. As I continued, it was very dark. It was difficult for me to find my way, but the light of the moon helped
me. When I was near the fort, I went more slowly. I did not want my friends to think I was a pirate. Suddenly,
I saw a red light through trees. What was it? Then I saw that there was a big fire next to the fort.
ٝ جلأنيٍز ضٍِحغِ ٓػ ٝتحلىطأ ٍرنأ ْأ ًحلحطشِ صٕو ،ٍكرٌج ٌٝج حٌٕحؾٌ زوٛؼٌ زُ٘حؾٚ سٕطجٍمٌج ِٓ ْحِأ ٝف سٕيفٌٓج صٔحو ،زٍيُؿٌج ٌٝج شىػ ًجٍينأ
أىذ جًٍّطِٓ صٕو حّٕيذ ،زٍِ يٚأ ٓؾ ٓذ ٗيف صٍذحل ًٌٜج ْحىٌّج ٌٝج وٛػأ فيو فٍػأ صٕو هًٌٌ سطيٍهٌج ٍويأ صٕو ،زٍيُؿٌج ٍرػ ًجىتحػ ٝشِأ شأىذٚ
ٓظي لا ْأ شوٌأ ىمف ٍػوأ ةطرذ صوٍكض ٓظكٌج ِٓ صذٍطلأ حِىٕػ ،ٝٔىػحْ ٍّمٌج ءٛػ ٓىٌٚ ٝميٍؽ ىؾأ ْأ ٍَٝػ دؼظٌج ِٓ فرطأ ىلٚ ٍُظي ٛؿٌج
ٍ ػرٍ جلأشؿحٌ، ِحيج وحْ ً٘ج؟ غُ ٌأيص أْ ٕ٘حن ٔحٌ وريٍز ذحٌمٍخ ِٓ جٌكظٓ. ّقأ ًجءٛػ صيأٌ زأؿف ،ًحٔحطٍل ٕٝٔأ ٝتحلىطأ
I thought that this was unusual, as Captain Smollett was always very careful not to waste wood for
the fire. I quietly went back inside the dark fort, and I was very pleased to hear the men inside talking quietly.
However, I realised that they were not good guards because nobody saw me return. I was about to climb into
my bed when I heard the words, “Who is it? Who is it?” I realised that it was Captain Flint, Silver’s parrot!
Everyone in the room woke up, and I heard someone call out: “Who’s there?” It was Long John Silver! I
turned to run away but I ran into a man, who held on to me. I was trapped.
ذٙىٚء ٍُظٌّج ٓظكٌج ًنجو ٌٝج شىػ ،ٌحٌٕج يحؼشأ ًؾأ ِٓ دشهٌج غيؼٔ لا ْأ ًحّتجو حًظيٍق صيٌّْٛ ٓطذحو ْحو ىمف ًحيوحػ ٓىي ٌُ هٌي ْأ شىمطػأ
ػٛوضٝ، ىقأ ٜأ عقلاي ٌُ عيق ٓيىيؾ ًحْجٍق جٛٔٛىي ٌُ ُٙٔأ صوٌوأ جً٘ غِ ،غفهِٕ شٛظذ ْٛغىكطي ًنجىٌحذ يحؾٌٍج صؼّْ حِىٕػ ًجىؾ ًجىيؼْ صٕوٚ

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