
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

ship. But if you save me, I can save you.” I was surprised to hear this. He was the leader of the gang of
pirates, and now he wanted the help of a boy.
ٍٝػذحلٝ جٌمٍجطٕس ٌُ يىٛٔٛج ْؼىجء ٚذىأٚج يطكىغْٛ ٌرؼؼُٙ جٌرؼغ ذظٛش ِٕهفغ، فمحي ٍْيفٍ: "ِحيج ضمٌْٛٛ؟" فمحي أقى جٌمٍجطٕس: "ٔكٓ لا ٔ
ذىٚٔه، لا يّىٕه أْ ضٛلفٕح" ٍْػحْ ِحغحوٌ ِؼظُ جٌٍؾحي جٌغٍفس ٚذميص أٔح ٍْٚيفٍ فمؾ، فمحي ٍْيفٍ: "أّْغ يح ؾيُ، لا ًحؼِ ظىكطْٕ ،نىػجٛل ًو ٓػ
لا ُ٘" أػطمى أُٔٙ ِحَجٌٛج يٍيىٕٚٔٝ أْ أوْٛ جٌىحذطٓ، ٌٚىٕٕٝ يّىٕٕٝ أْ أػطٕٝ ذه ئيج أػطٕيص ذٝ" فمٍص: "ً٘ ضمظى أُٔٙ يٍيىْٚ لطٍه؟" فمحي:
ْلآجٚ سٕطجٍمٌج سذحظؼٌ ًجىتحل ْحو ىمٌ ،جً٘ عحّْ ىٕػ ًحثؾحفطِ صٕو "نيحمٔئ حًؼيأ حٔأ غيططْأ ،ٕٝضًمٔأ جيج ٓىٌٚ ،ٝؼِ صٓيٌ سٕيفٌٓحف يٍيىٕٚٔٝ جلآْ
يكطحؼ ِٓحػىز طرٝ.
“I’ll do what I can,” I told him. “You’re a good boy!” he said. “I know you’ve got the ship safe
somewhere. I don’t know how you did it, but you did. Remember, I’m now with Mr Trelawney and his men.
So, why did the doctor give me the map, Jim?” He saw that I was surprised. “Yes, he gave it to me. He must
have a plan, you know. Let’s hope it’s a good one.” I looked out of the fort and saw the pirates talking in a
group. One of the men had some paper and a knife and the others were watching him. Then they started to
walk back towards us. “They’re coming!” I told Silver. “Let them come!” he said.
جلآْ فمٍص ٌٗ: "ْأفؼً ِح فٝ ْٚغٝ" فمحي: "أٔص ٌٚى ؽيد، أػٍف أْ جٌٓفيٕس إِٔس فٝ ِىحْ ِح، لا أػٍف ويف فؼٍص يٌه ٌٚىٕه فؼٍطٙح، ضًوٍ إٔٔٝ
"ٔؼُ ٌمى أػطح٘ح ٌٝ، ِٚٓ جٌّإوى أْ ٌىيٗ وّح :يحمف ،حًثؾحفطِ صٕو ٕٝٔأ ٜأٌ "؟ُيؾ حي ،سطيٍهٌج ٌٛطوىٌج ٝٔحطػأ جيحٌّ لائٚ ،ٌٗحؾٌ ٚ ٍٝٔٛيٍض ىيٌٓج غِ
رحلْٛ ٌجٚ ٓيىْٚ قجٌٚلأج غذ ٗيىٌ ْحو ُِٕٙ ًجىقجٚ ،سػّٛؿّو ْٛغىكطي سٕطجٍمٌج صيأٌ ٚ ٓظكٌج ؼٌحن ٌٝج شٍظٔ "زىيؾ سطن حٙٔأ ًِأٔ حٕػو ،فٍؼض
محي: "وػُٙ يأضْٛ"وحٔٛج يشح٘ىٚٔٗ، غُ ذىأٚج ذؼى٘ح يّشْٛ ػحتىْٚ ٔحقيطٕح، فأنرٍش ٍْيفٍ: "ئُٔٙ لحوِْٛ" ف

Education is the most

powerful weapon you can use

to change the world into a

better place.

Best of luck,
Mr. Osama El Gamal
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