والحظر والنصٌحة القوٌة ضد كل ما ٌضر :للتعبٌر عن المنع والتحرٌم mustn'tنستخدم -
- You mustn't park your car here. It's forbidden.
- You mustn't touch an infected bird.
: mustn'tوالتعبٌرات التالٌة تساوى استخدام -
- It's (forbidden / prohibited / banned) to + Inf / from + v-ing
- It's not permitted to + inf
- It's against the law to + inf
- sub + (am/ is/ are) not allowed/ permitted to + Inf
- You are not allowed to + Inf
- You aren‟t allowed to park your car here. It's forbidden.
- It's forbidden to touch an infected bird.
Advice ١ٜٕلشحٌ
Giving Advice & Making Suggestions
- In my opinion, you should .................. - Why don’t you .................?
- In my opinion, you must .................. - I’d advise you to .................
- I think it would be a good idea to ............... - I think you should ...........
- Subj. + mustn't + Inf