Chapter 11
جـــــــــزيـــــرة الكــــــــــــــــنز
اي شررلحا ـلالفصــ
agreement موافقة / اتفاق trust / turn ثقة / ٌستدٌر^ - ٌثق
arrest / malaria ٌقبض على / الملارٌا trick / right صواب^ - خدعة / حق^ - ٌخدع
negotiate / nod ٌتفاوض / اٌماءة wake / show ٌوقظ / ٌوضح^ - ٌستٌقظ
promise / follow وعد / ٌتتبع^ - ٌعد patient / remind ركذٌُ^ /^ روبص^ - مرٌض
continue / nervously ٌستمر / بعصبٌة wonder / times ٌتسآل / أوقات^ - دهشة
reassure / convince عنقٌٌٌعٌد تؤكٌد / reason / close to سبب / قرٌب من
stay safe نامأ^ ىف^ /^ انمآ^ ىقبٌ save our lives ٌنقذ حٌاتنا
stay inside ٌبقى داخل (مكان) take lives ةاٌح^ ىهنٌُ^ /^ كلهٌُ
get a surprise لدٌه مفاجؤة take medicine ٌتناول الدواء
get .... back ام^ صخش^ دٌعٌُ look surprised اشهدنم^ ودبٌ
have malaria اٌرلاملا^ ضرمب^ باصٌم walk away ادٌعب^ ىشمٌ^ /^ لحرٌ
see the good in ٌرى الخٌر فى walk in the fork ٌمشى الى داخل الحصن
except (for) فٌما ماعدا / باستثناء walk forward to ٌتجه الى ... على قدمٌه
Be friends with قداصٌُ^ /^ بحاصٌ try his tricks on ٌجرب خدعه على
come to an agreement ٌصل لإتفاق know how to do ٌعرف كٌف ٌفعل ...
Jim Hawkins:
The pirates walked in through the door. One of the men was holding a piece of paper, and he
nervously walked forward to give it to Silver. Silver read it. “So, I’m not the captain now, is that it?” he said.
“Can I have the torch for a minute, so I can read it better?” “Don’t try your tricks on us,” said one of the
pirates, called George. “I’m still the captain until you tell me why I shouldn’t be,” said Silver. “We can tell
you,” said George. “First, your plans haven’t worked. Second, you let Trelawney and his men leave the fort,
and we’re sure that they have a plan. Third, you wouldn’t let us follow them. And fourth, there’s the boy!”
“Is that all?” asked Silver. “That’s enough, isn’t it?” said George. “I’ll answer each reason,” said Silver.
حِ جً٘ ً٘ ،ْلآج ٓطذحىٌج صٌٓ حٔأ ًجيئ" :يحل ُغ ٍفٍيْ ح٘أٍل ،ٍفٍيٌٓ حٙيطؼيٌ سيرظؼذ َىمضٚ سلٌٛذ هّٓيُ ُ٘ىقأ ْحو ،خحرٌج ٍرونً جٌمٍجطٕس ػ
فٍ: "أٔح لظىضّٖٛ؟ ً٘ يّىٕٕٝ أْ آنً جٌىشحف ٌىليمس ٌىٝ ألٍأ٘ح ذشىً أفؼً؟ فمحي أقى جٌمٍجطٕس ٚوحْ يىػٝ ؾٌٛؼ: "لا ضكحٚي أْ ضهىػٕح" فمحي ْيٍ
حوٌْٚ غي ٌٗحؾٌ ٚ ٍٝٔٛيٍض صوٍض صٔأ :ًحئحغ ،هططن صٍشف :ًلاٚأ ،نٌحرنئ حٕٕىّي" :ؼٌٛؾ يحمف "ْٛوأ ْأ دؿي لا جيحٌّ ٍٝٔٚرهض ٝطق ٓطذحىٌج صٌِحَ
ٍ: "ْأؾيد فٍيْ يحمف "؟هًٌو ّيٌأ ،ٝفىي جً٘" :ؼٌٛؾ يحمف "؟ةش ًو جً٘ ً٘" :ٍفٍيْ يحمف "ٝرظٌج ٛ٘ح٘ :ًحؼذجٌ ،ُٙؼرططٔ حٕوٍطض ٌُ :ًحػٌحغ ،ٓظكٌج
ػٍٝ وً ْرد ػٍٝ قىز"
“First, who didn’t do what I asked them to do? Anderson, Hands and you, George! If we are
arrested when we return to England, it is because of those people! Second, we have a doctor on the island.
He’s important because some of us are very ill at the moment. The doctor and I came to an agreement so
that he would help us. And the boy? He’ll be useful if we need to negotiate. And what about reason three?
Well, this is why we didn’t follow them!” he continued, and showed them the treasure map.