Chapter 21
جـــــــــزيـــــرة الكــــــــــــــــنز
ثاني شررلا ـلالفصــ
attach / ground ٌوصل / الأرض^ - ٌربط hole / theif فتحة / لص^ - حفرة
cave / skelton كهف / هٌكل عظمى spade / supplies جاروف / مإن
point / useless ٌصوب / بلا فابدة^ - ٌشٌر terrible / slow فظٌع / ٌبطا^ - شنٌع
smile / hill ابتسامة / تل^ - ٌبتسم heavy work عمل شاق
blow / crazy تدفع / مجنون^ - تهب weapon / trouble سلاح / ورطة
comfortable حٌرتسم^ /^ حٌرُم around / bottom أسفل^ - حوالى / قاع
dig / a drink حفرة / مشروب^ - ٌحفر destroy / dirty ٌدمر / قذر
coin / crew عملة معدنٌة / طاقم سفٌنة frighten / excited راثمُ^ - ٌخٌف / مهتم
games / Be gone ألعاب / أختفى frightened face وجه ٌبدو علٌه الخوف
before then قبل ذلك as well as بالإضافة الى
sound like ٌبدو مثل / كؤنه make a plan ٌضع خطة
reach the coast ٌصل الى الشاطا lie on bed ٌرقد فى الفراش
think of a plan ٌفكر فى خطة on the ground على الأرض
play a trick on ٌلعب خدعة على Be attached to ٌتم ربطه بـ
give ... an advantage ٌعطى ... مٌزة look very angry ادج^ ابضاغ^ ودبٌ
Jim Hawkins:
Silver went back to the pirates and said, “I’ve found out that the doctor’s men have the ship. I don’t
know where it is, but when we find the treasure, we’ll find the ship. That will give us the advantage. We’ll
keep Jim with us before then. When we go home, we can leave him on the island.” The pirates looked happy
with this news, but it worried me. What was Silver really planning? When he found the treasure, was he going
to help Dr Livesy and Mr Trelawney or these terrible pirates? I did not know.
ًٙج ْيؼطيٕح ػحو ْيٍفٍ جٌٝ جٌمٍجطٕس ٚلحي: "ٌمى أوطشفص أْ جٌطريد ٚ ٌؾحٌٗ ٌىيُٙ جٌٓفيٕس، لا أػٍف جيٓ ٘ٝ ٌٚىٓ ػٕىِح ٔؿى جٌىُٕ ْٕؿى جٌٓفيٕس، ف
جطٕس ْؼىجء ذطٍه جلأنرحٌ ٌٚىٕٙح ألٍمطٕٝ، ِحيج وحْ ِيُز ػٍيُٙ، ْٕكطفع ذؿيُ ِؼٕح لرً يٌه، ٚػٕىِح ٔؼٛو ٌٍٛؽٓ يّىٕٕح ضٍوٗ ػٍٝ جٌؿُيٍز" وحْ جٌمٍ
ْيٍفٍ ذحٌفؼً يهطؾ ٌفؼٍٗ؟ ػٕىِح يؿى جٌىُٕ، ً٘ ْيٓحػى و. لايفٓٝ ٚجٌٓيى ضٍيٍٛٔٝ أٚ ٘إلاء جٌمٍجطٕس جٌٓيثيٓ؟ لا أػٍف.
We all left the fort. The pirates were carrying supplies, spades and their weapons. We then got into
the small boats and looked at the map to see where we should go. We took the boats down a river, then we
left them and walked through some tall trees. The pirates attached me to Silver with a rope so that I could
not escape, and we walked up a hill. We walked for many hours. It was very hot, but this side of the island
was very beautiful, with many flowers and birds. Then we heard a shout. Morgan was looking at something
with a frightened face. It was the skeleton of a man lying on the ground.
غحؤٌح جٌكظٓ، وحْ جٌمٍجطٕس يكٍّْٛ جٌّإْ ٚجٌؿٍجف ٚأٍْكطُٙ، ذؼى٘ح طؼىٔح جٌٝ جٌٍّجود جٌظغيٍز ٚٔظٍٔح فٝ جٌهٍيطس ٌٍٕٜ أيٓ يؿد أْ وٍٕح
غ أْططي ًٔ٘د، أضؿٕٙح ذحٌٍّجود جٌٝ أنٍ أقى جلأٔٙحٌ غُ غُ ضٍوٕح ٍِجورٕح ِٚشيٕح ػرٍ ذؼغ جلأشؿحٌ، ٌمى ٌذطٕٝ جٌمٍجطٕس ذكرً فٝ ْيٍفٍ ٌىٝ لا
،ٌٌٌٛٛٚو ٚجٌطيج ِٓ ىيىؼٌج ٗرف جًىؾ لاً يّؾ ْحو زٍيُؿٌج ِٓ دٔحؿٌج جً٘ ٓىٌٚ جًىؾ جًٌحق ٛؿٌج ْحو ،زىيىػ شحػحٌٓ حٕيشِ ،يلاطٌج ىقأ حٔىؼطٚ ،خٌٍٚٙج
.عٌلأج ٍٝػ ًجىلجٌ ًؾٌٍ حيّظػ لاىي٘ ْحو ىمٌ ،فٛن زٍظٔ ٗٙؾٚ ٍٝػٚ حِ ةش ٌٝج ٍظٕي ْحؾٌِٛ ْحو ،سنٍط حٕؼّْ هٌي ىؼذ