“The skeleton is pointing north!” said Morgan. “He is,” said Silver. “I think this was one of Flint’s
games. He killed the man and put him there.” “Flint was a terrible man,” said Morgan. The pirates looked
worried and when we continued, they were much quieter. Suddenly, we heard a voice singing from the trees
in front of us. “That sounds like Flint!” said George. “Flint’s dead,” said Silver. “It is someone playing
a trick.” Then the voice called out, “McGraw, bring me a drink, please!” “That was what Flint said, just
before he died!” said Morgan. Now the pirates all looked very frightened. “Listen men,” said Silver. “There’s
a lot of treasure near here. I don’t think that was Flint. I think it was Ben Gun.” “I thought he was dead, too,
but I’m not frightened of him,” said George. The pirates looked happier and continued walking, although
Dick looked tired and ill.
ؼٗ ٕ٘حن" ػٚٚ ًؾٌٍج ًطل ىمٌ ،صٍٕف ديػلاج ِٓ ًجىقجٚ ْحو جً٘ ْأ ىمطػأ ،هًٌو ٛ٘ ُؼٔ"ٍفٍيْ يحمف "يحّشٌج ٌٝج ٍيشي ّٝظؼٌج ًىيٌٙج" :ْحؾٌِٛ يحل
ٓيذ ِٓ ٕٝغي ًحضٛط حٕؼّْ زأؿف ،ًجءٚى٘ ٍػوأ جٛكرطج ٍيٌّٓج حٍٕطجٚ حِىٕػ ٓىٌٚ ٓيمٍل سٕطجٍمٌج ْحو "حًؼيٕش لاؾٌ صٍٕف ْحو فمحي ٌِٛؾحْ: "ٌمى
:ًلاجلأشكحٌ جٌطٝ وحٔص أِحِٕح، لحي ؾٌٛؼ: "ً٘ج يرىٚ وظٛش فٍٕص" فمحي ْيٍفٍ: "ٌمى ِحش فٍٕص، ً٘ج شهض يكحٚي نىجػٕح" ذؼى٘ح طحـ جٌظٛش لحت
:ٍفٍيْ يحمف ،ًجىؾ ٓيفتحن سٕطجٍمٌج ًو فرطأ ْلآج "زٍشحرِ شّٛي ْأ ًرل صٍٕف ٌٗحل حِ جً٘" :ْحؾٌِٛ يحمف "هٍؼف ِٓ ًحذٍٚشِ ٌٝ ٍؼ"ِىؿٍٚ، أق
،ًحؼيأ "جّْؼٛج يح ٌؾحي، يٛؾى وُٕ وريٍ ذحٌمٍخ ِٓ ً٘ج جٌّىحْ، لا أػطمى أْ ً٘ج وحْ فٍٕص، أػطمى أٔٗ ذٓ ؾٓ" فمحي ؾٌٛؼ: "وٕص أػطمى أٔٗ ِحش
.ًحؼيٍِٚ ًحرؼطِ ٚىري ْحو هيو ٓىٌٚ ٍيٌّٓج جٍٛطجٚٚ ءجىؼْ سٕطجٍمٌج فرطأ "ِٕٗ ًحفتحن صٌٓ ٌٕٕٝى
Soon we saw a very tall tree. The tree was on our map and we knew that we were now close to the
treasure. I could see that all the pirates were excited. Silver, too, looked different. His eyes looked crazy and
dangerous, and I thought he would do anything to go home safely with the treasure. The pirates all ran to the
bottom of the tree. George was in front of them, but he suddenly stopped with a cry. “Look!” he said. We
saw what he was pointing at. Near the bottom of the tree there was a big hole in the ground. Someone had
been there before us. The treasure was gone! The pirates said nothing, but I could see that Silver was already
making a plan. “Take this, and be ready for trouble,” he said quietly, and he gave me a gun.
ؾّيغ ْأ ٌٜأ صٕو ،ُٕىٌج ِٓ ًجىؾ ٓيريٍل ْلآج حٕو حٕٔأ حٍّٕػٚ حٕؼِ ٝطٌج سطيٍهٌج ٍٝػ زوٛؾِٛ زٍؿشٌج صٔحو ،ًجىؾ سٍيٛؽ زٍؿش حٕيأٌحِ ْحػٍْ
ٗؼِٚ ًحِٕآ ٓؽٌٍٛ وٛؼي ٝىٌ ةش ٜأ ًؼفيْ ٗٔأ صوٌوأٚ ،زٌٛطهٌجٚ ْٕٛؿٌج حّٙيٍػ ٚىري ْحو ٖحٕيؼف ،ًحفٍطهِ ْحو ًحؼيأ ٍفٍيْٚ ،ٓيقٍف جٛٔحو سٕطجٍمٌج
ع جٌشؿٍز جٌىُٕ، أٍْع وً جٌمٍجطٕس جٌٝ لحع جٌشؿٍز، وحْ ؾٌٛؼ أِحُِٙ ٌٚىٕٗ ضٛلف فؿأز ٚطحـ: "أٔظٍ" ٌمى ٌأيٕح ِح وحْ يشيٍ جٌيٗ، ذحٌمٍخ ِٓ لح
ٍٕح، ٌمى ي٘د جٌىُٕ! ٌُ يمً جٌمٍجطٕس أٜ شة ٌٚىٕٕٝ فّٙص أْ ْيٍفٍ وحْ يهطؾ ٌشة رل حِ ًحظهش نحٕ٘ ْحو ىمٌ ،عٌلأج ٝف زٍيرو زٍفق نحٕ٘ ْحو
.ًحْىِٓ ٝٔحطػجٚ "ًوحشٌٍّ ىؼطْجٚ ،جً٘ ًن" :ءٚىٙذ ٌٝ يحل ،حِ
Then the pirates all jumped into the hole and started digging with their spades. Perhaps there was
treasure still there. Morgan found a gold coin and held it up for the others to see. “One coin? You told us
there was seven hundred thousand pounds here, Silver!” shouted George angrily. “You knew about this,
didn’t you?” The pirates looked very angry. They climbed out of the other side of the hole, looking dirty and
hot. “Let’s get them, men!” said George. Suddenly, there was the sound of guns from the trees. Two of the
pirates fell down and the other three started to run. We were safe! Dr Livesy, Gray and Ben Gun came out
from the trees. “Thank you, doctor,” said Silver. “You saved us. And look, it’s Ben Gun!” Ben Gun said hello
to Silver, but I could see that he was frightened of him.
ٓيٍنلآج َحِأ حٙؼفٌٚ سير٘ي سٍّػ ْحؾٌِٛ ىؾٚ ،ًجوٛؾِٛ يجَحِ ُٕو نحذؼى يٌه لفُ وً جٌمٍجطٕس وجنً جٌكفٍز ٚذىأٚج يكفٍٚج ذؿٍجفُٙ، فٍذّح ٕ٘
ؾٕيس ي٘د ٕ٘ح يح ْيٍفٍ" "جٔص ضؼٍف ً٘ج، أٌيّ وًٌه؟" وحْ /جٌف لطؼس 077 نحٕ٘ ْأ حٕضٍرنأ ىمٌ ؟زىقجٚ سؼطل" :ًحرػحغ ؼٌٛؾ ـحظف ،حٍ٘ٚيٌ
ٚقٍجٔيٓ، لحي ؾٌٛؼ: "٘يح ٍٔكك ذُٙ يح ٌؾحي" ٌٚىٓ فؿأز وحْ ٕ٘حن ٓيهٓطِ جٛٔحوٚ زٍفكٌٍ ٍنلآج دٔحؿٌج ِٓ جٛؾٍن ،جًىؾ ٓيرػحغ سٕطجٍمٌج
ؾٓ طٛش ذٕحوق ِٓ ذيٓ جلأشؿحٌ، ٚ ٚلغ أغٕحْ ِٓ جٌمٍجطٕس ٚذىأ جٌػلاغس جلآنٍْٚ فٝ جٌؿٍٜ، أِح ٔكٓ فىٕح فٝ أِحْ! و. لايفٓٝ ٚ ؾٍججٜ ٚ ذٓ
.ِٕٗ ًحفتحن ْحو ٗٔأ ٌٜأ صٕو ٕٕٝىٌٚ ٍفٍيٓذ دؾ ٓذ دقٌ "ٓؾ ٓذ ٗٔئ ٍظٔجٚ ،حٕضًمٔأ ىمٌ ديرطٌج حٙيأ ًجٍىش" :ٍفٍيْ يحل ،ٌحؿشلأج ٓيذ ِٓ جٛؾٍن
As we walked back to the boats, we heard how Ben Gun had helped us. Ben Gun had dug up the
treasure and put it in a cave in the north of the island before we arrived on the Hispaniola. Ben Gun told all of
this to Dr Livesy, when the doctor gave him some cheese. The doctor then thought of a plan. He gave the
map to Silver because he knew it was useless. Then he took his friends up to the cave, where Ben Gun had
supplies as well as the treasure. When he knew that Silver was taking me and the men to look for the
treasure, the doctor came back with Ben Gun and Gray. To slow the pirates down, Ben Gun sang a song to
frighten them. This had given the others time to wait for the pirates by the hole.
ٌمى ذيّٕح وٕح ػحتىيٓ جٌٝ جٌٍّجود، ّْؼٕح ويف ْحػىٔح ذٓ ؾٓ، ٌمى قفٍ ػٍٝ جٌىُٕ ٚٚػؼٗ فٝ وٙف فٝ شّحي جٌؿُيٍز لرً أْ ٔظً ذٙيٓرحٔيٛلا،
نً أطىلحتٗ أنرٍ و. لايفٓٝ ذىً ً٘ج ػٕىِح أػطحٖ ذؼغ جٌؿرٓ، ذؼى٘ح فىٍ جٌطريد فٝ نطس، أػطٝ جٌهٍيطس ٌٓيٍفٍ لأٔٗ ػٍٝ أٔٗ لا فحتىز ٌٙح، غُ أ
mr. osama el gamal
(Mr. Osama El Gamal)