طريد ِغ ٚطؼىٚج جٌٝ جٌىٙف قيع وحْ ذٓ ؾٓ ٌىيٗ ِإْ ذحلإػحفس جٌٝ جٌىُٕ، ٚػٕىِح ػٍُ أْ ْيٍفٍ وحْ يأنًٔٝ أٔح ٚجٌٍؾحي ٌٍركع ػٓ جٌىُٕ، ػحو جٌ
ٓ جٌكفٍز. ِ ًحريٍل سٕطجٍمٌج جٍٚظطٕي ٝىٌ صلٚ ٓيٍنلآج ٝطػأ جً٘ٚ ،ُٙفيهي ٝىٌ سيٕغأ ٓؾ ٓذ ٕٝغ سٕطجٍمٌج ةطري ٝىٌٚ ،ٜججٍؾٚ ٓؾ ٓذ
After a few hours, we reached the coast again. Ben Gun helped Gray to destroy one of the boats so
that the other pirates could not use it. We took the other boat around the island. After three miles, I was
surprised to see the Hispaniola! The wind had blown it from the beach and it was sailing empty on the sea.
We helped Gray to get onto the ship so that he could look after it, and we continued to the beach. We then
climbed the hill to Ben Gun’s cave, where Trelawney was looking after Captain Smollett.
ذؼى ذؼغ ْحػحش، ٚطٍٕح جٌٝ جٌشحؽة ٍِز أنٍٜ، لحَ ذٓ ؾٓ ذّٓحػىز ؾٍججٜ فٝ ضىِيٍ أقى جٌٍّجود ٌىٝ لا يٓططيغ جٌمٍجطٕس جلأنٍيٓ أْ
ركٍ فحٌغس ض صٔحوٚ ةؽحشٌج ٓػ ـحيٌٍج حٙطؼفو ىمٌ !لاٛئحرٓي٘ ٌٜأ ْأ حًش٘ىِٕ صٕو يحيِأ سغلاغ ىؼذٚ ،زٍيُؿٌج يٛق ٍنلآج دوٌٍّج حًٔنأ ،ِٖٛىهطٓي
حْ فٝ جٌركٍ، لّٕح ذّٓحػىز ؾٍججٜ أْ يظؼى ػٍٝ ِطٓ جٌٓفيٕس ٌىٝ يٙطُ ذٙح ٚٚجطٍٕح ٔكٓ جٌٝ جٌشحؽة، غُ ضٍٓمٕح جٌطً جٌٝ وٙف ذٓ قٓ، قيع و
ضٍيٍٛٔٝ يٍػٝ وحذطٓ ٌّْٛيص.
“Silver,” Trelawney said when he saw him. “You are a pirate and a thief, but the doctor says that you
have helped us. I must thank you.” Silver said nothing, but he smiled. Inside the big cave, Captain Smollett
was lying by a fire. Behind him, I could see lots of coins and gold. It was Flint’s treasure. The next morning, we
began to take the treasure down the hill to the boat. It was heavy work, and it took us days to move all the
coins and gold
ٜ شة ػٕىِح ٌأٜ جٌٓيى ضٍيٍٛٔٝ ْيٍفٍ لحي: " ْيٍفٍ، أٔص لٍطحْ ٌٚض، ٌٚىٓ جٌطريد يمٛي أٔه ْحػىضٕح، ًٌج يؿد ػٍٝ أْ أشىٍن: ٌُ يمً ْيٍفٍ أ
جٌىريٍ وحْ وحذطٓ ٌّْٛيص يٍلى ذؿحٔد ِىفأز، ٌٚأيص نٍفٗ جٌىػيٍ ِٓ جٌمطغ جٌّؼىٔيس ٚجًٌ٘د، ئٔٗ وُٕ فٍٕص، فٝ جٌظرحـ ٌٚىٕٗ جذطُٓ، وجنً جٌىٙف
.دًٌ٘جٚ شلاّؼٌج ًو ًمٌٕ ًحِحيأ حٕلٍغطْج ىلٚ ،لاً يمغ لاً ّػ ْحو ىمٌ ،دوٌٍّج عيق ًطٌج ًفْأ ٌٝج ُٕىٌج ًنأٔ حٔأىذ ٌٝحطٌج
We knew there were still three pirates on the island. We looked for them all the time, but we did not
see them again. We decided to leave the island without them, but we left some food and medicine. It was a
difficult journey back on the Hispaniola because the crew was so small. Captain Smollett lay on his bed and
told us what to do. After a few days, we reached a town in South America, where we went to find more
people for our crew. When we returned to the Hispaniola later that day, Ben Gun told us that Silver had taken
a boat and some money. He was gone, but nobody was sad about that. With a bigger crew, it was easier to
return to Bristol. The treasure helped us all back in England. Captain Smollett stopped working and Gray
decided to buy his own ship. Ben Gun quickly spent all of his money. I have a comfortable life now. I often
think about the island and Long John Silver, but I never saw him again.
ٕح ٌٕٚى ،ُٙوٕح ٔؼٍُ أْ ٕ٘حن غلاظ لٍجطٕس ِح َجٌٛج ػٍٝ جٌؿُيٍز، ذكػٕح ػُٕٙ ؽٛجي جٌٛلص ٌىٕٕح ٌُ ٍٔجُ٘ ٍِز أنٍٜ، لٌٍٔح أْ ٔغحوٌ جٌؿُيٍز ذىٚٔ
فٍجشٗ ٝف جًىلجٌ صيٌّْٛ ٓطذحو ْحو ،ًجىؾ ًجٍيغط ْحو ُلحطٌج ْلأ سلحش لاٛئحرٓي٘ ٓطِ ٍٝػ زوٛؼٌج سٍقٌ صٔحو ىمٌ ،ءجٚىٌجٚ َحؼطٌج غؼذ حٕوٍض
ٕىِح ػىٔح جٌٝ ٚيهرٍٔح ذّح يؿد أْ ٔفؼٍٗ، ذؼى ذؼؼس أيحَ ٚطٍٕح جٌٝ ِىيٕس فٝ ؾٕٛخ أٍِيىح قيع ي٘رٕح لإيؿحو جٌُّيى ِٓ جلاشهحص ٌٕىًّ ؽحلّٕح، ػ
جلأورٍ ٘يٓرحٔيٛلا فٝ ٚلص ِطأنٍ ِٓ يٌه جٌيَٛ، لحي ٌٕح ذٓ ؾٓ أْ ْيٍفٍ أنً ٍِود ٚذؼغ جٌّحي، ٌمى ٌقً ٌٚىٓ لا أقى وحْ قُيٕح ًٌٌه، ذطحلّٕح
جٌؼًّ ٚ ؾٍججٜ لٌٍ أْ يشطٍٜ ٓػ فلٛض صيٌّْٛ ٓطذحىف ،جٍطٍؿٔج ٌٝج ٌٝج حٔىػ حِىٕػ ًحؼيّؾ ُٕىٌج حٔىػحْ ىمٌ ،يٛطٓيٍذ ٌٝج وٛؼٔ ْأ ًْٙلأج ِٓ ْحو
جًىذأ ٖجٌأ ْفيٕس نحطس ذٗ، ٚذٓ ؾٓ ٍْػحْ ِح أٔفك وً أِٛجٌٗ، أِح أٔح فأػيش قيحز ٍِيكس جلآْ، وجتّح أفىٍ فٝ جٌؿُيٍز ٚ ٌٛٔؽ ؾْٛ ْيٍفٍ ٌىٕٕٝ ٌُ
.ٍٍِٜز أن
- Complete the sentences with these words from the story :
attach cave ground point skeleton smile useless
- This phone is .....................! It doesn’t work.
- Plants and trees grow out of the ......................
- I always try to ..................... and look happy in photos.
- If you ..................... your keys to your bag, you won’t lose them.
- Hana couldn’t speak, but she could ................... to the house where she lived.
- There were some big bones in the .................... of a dinosaur at the museum.
- The ..................... was dark but we went inside to get out of the rain.