
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

Important Words and Expressions for Translation

the Far East حٌَ٘ق حلألٜٝ the European Union حلاطلخى حلأٍٚٚرٟ
virtues ف٠خثً vices ًٍحثً
morals أهلال١خص medical care حٌَعخ٠ش حٌطز١ش
literary أىرٟ worldwide attention ح٘ظّخَ عخٌّٟ
worldwide campaign كٍّش عخ١ٌّش boycott ِمخ١عش (ِٕظؾ)
interruption ِمخ١عش (حٌلي٠غ) worldwide network ٗزىش عخ١ٌّش
coverage طغط١ش recognition حعظَحف / طمي٠َ
revenue ًهىَ trend حطـخٖ
local anesthetic ِويٍ ِٟٛعٟ authority حٌٍٔطش
civilians حٌّي١١ٔٓ local community ِـظّع ِلٍٟ
wildlife حٌل١خس حٌز٠َش coastal environment ر١جش ٓخك١ٍش
aquatic environment ر١جش ِخث١ش marine navigation حٌّلاكش حٌزل٠َش
environmental affairs ٗجْٛ حٌز١جش environmental awareness حٌٛعٟ حٌز١جٟ
environmental disaster وخٍػش ر١ج١ش environmental consciousness حٌٛعٟ حٌز١جٟ
environmental deterioration حٌظيٍ٘ٛ حٌز١جٟ balance of nature حٌطز١عشطٛحُْ
hazards ِوخ١َ legislation ط٠َ٘ع
conservation ِلخف ش (عٍٟ حٌز١جش ِؼلا) safeguard ْٜٛ٠لّٟ / ٠مٟ / ٠
a matter of ethics ِٔؤٌش أهلال١خص imminent threat طٙي٠ي ١ٗٚه
natural variation حٌظٕٛع حٌطز١عٟ cultural variation حٌظٕٛع حٌؼمخفٟ
environmental variation حٌظٕٛع حٌز١جٟ diverse ِوظٍف / ِظٕٛع
biological diversity حٌظٕٛع ألأك١خثٟ conserve energy ٠لخفع عٍٟ حٌطخلش
energy reserves حكظ١خ١١خص حٌطخلش energy consumption حٓظٙلان حٌطخلش
energy requirements ِظطٍزخص حٌطخلش improve the economy ىخٜظللاح^ ٓٔلُ٠
massive projects َِ٘ٚعخص ٟوّش implement = carry out ٌفُٕ٠

remains رمخ٠خ microscopic organisms ٠َش ٙحٌىخثٕخص حٌّـ أٚ حٌيل١مش

petroleum derivatives ِ٘ظمخص حٌزظَٚي electric power plants حٌطخلش حٌىَٙر١شِلطخص

with a view to رٙيف foreign investments حلآظؼّخٍحص حلأؿٕز١ش
keep pace with = keep up with
= catch up with

٠ٛحوذ / ٠ٔخ٠َ water scarcity ٖخ١ٌّح سٍئُ

aggravate the situation ٠ئىٞ اٌٟ طفخلُ حٌّٛلف head towards ٠ظـٗ ٔلٛ

a freshwater crisis أُِش فٟ ح١ٌّخٖ حٌعٌرش improper management اىحٍس غ١َ ِلاثّش

water resources ِٛحٍى ح١ٌّخٖ environmental degradation حٌظيٍ٘ٛ حٌز١جٟ
contribute effectively to+(G) ٠ُٔٙ ر٘ىً فعخي فٟ insist on ٍٟع َٜ٠
traditional share حٌلٜش حٌظم١ٍي٠ش the Nile Basin countries ىٚي كٛٝ ح١ًٌٕ
water-sharing agreement لالظٔخَ ح١ٌّخٖحطفخل١ش exclude ٠ٔظزعي / ٠ٔظؼٕٟ
a historic right كك طخ٠ٍوٟ apparent contradiction طٕخلٞ ٚحٟق

irrigation ٌَٞح adequate water supplies اِيحىحص وخف١ش ِٓ ح١ٌّخٖ

annihilation = extermination فٕخء

ultimately = finally =

أه١َح / فٟ

rich in vitamins غٕٟ رخٌف١ظخ١ِٕخص disease-free food غٌحء هخٌٟ ِٓ حلأَِحٝ

be less likely to catch diseases أللً حكظّللخلا فللٟ حلإٛللخرش رخلأَِحٝ power projects َِ٘ٚعخص حٌطخلش

the upstream countries ىٚي حٌّٕزع the downstream countries ىٚي حٌّٜذ

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