
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

by diplomatic means رخٌٛٓخثً حٌيرٍِٛخ١ٓش by peaceful means رخٌٛٓخثً ح١ٌٍّٔش

a matter of life and death ِٔؤٌش ك١خس أٚ ِٛص deforestation اُحٌش حٌغخرخص
desertification حٌظٜلــَ astronomers عٍّخء حٌفٍه
solar system ٌّٟٔ٘خَ ح ٌٕح spacecrafts ٓفٓ حٌف٠خء
food shortage حٌغٌحء ٚٔم an international conference ِئطَّ ىٌٟٚ
world leaders ُعّخء حٌعخٌُ pastures حٌَّحعٟ
livestock حٌّخ١ٗش acid rains أِطخٍ ك١٠ّش
plantations ِِحٍع removal اُحٌش
sufficient = adequate وخف reforestation اعخىس ٍُحعش حٌغخرخص
habitat ١ِٛٓ أٚ ر١جش biodiversity حٌظٕٛع ألأك١خثٟ
aridity حٌـفخف soil erosion طآوً حٌظَرش
a looming humanitarian

وخٍػلللش أٔلللخ١ٔش ٚٗللل١ىش
حٌٛلٛع indifference^ لاِزخلاس

eminent ٍِٛٙ٘ / ٍُرخ not necessarily ١ٌٔض رخ٠ٌٍَٚس
mistreat ٠ٟٔء ِعخٍِش over-cultivation حٌٍِحعش حلإفَح١ فٟ
consequences = repercussions ٔظخثؾ / عٛحلذ floods and droughts حٌف٠١خٔخص ٚ حٌـفخف

a growing interest in ح٘ظّخَ ِظِح٠ي رـ be potentially dangerous ًٚ هطٍٛس وخِٕش

artificial fertilizers حلأّٓيس حٌٜٕخع١ش special skills ِٙخٍحص هخٛش
eradicate = eliminate ٠ّلٛ / ٠ِ٠ً illiteracy حلأ١ِش
maintain ٠ْٜٛ / ٠لخفع عٍٟ hygiene حٌٕ خفش حٌ٘و١ٜش
sanitation حٌٜلش حٌعخِش spread of infections حٔظ٘خٍ حٌعيٜٚ
make people aware of ٠ـعً حٌٕخّ عٍٟ ٚعٟ رـ psychological ٟٔٔف
bad odours ٍٚحثق و٠َٙش aroma = fragrance ٍحثلش ًو١ش
genetically modified food حٌطعخَ حٌّعيي ٍٚحػ١خ conclusive evidence ى١ًٌ لخ١ع
conclusive victory ُٓكخ َٜٔ poisonous chemicals و١ّخ٠ٚخص ٓخِش
the mass media ٚٓخثً حلإعلاَ vital role ىٍٚ ك١ٛٞ
industry and agriculture حٌٜٕخعش ٚ حٌٍِحعش terrorist acts أعّخي اٍ٘خر١ش
the national income حٌيهً حٌمِٟٛ the main source of حٌّٜيٍ حٌَث١ْ ٌـ
sound depressing طزيٚ وج١زش entirely خِخّط / ش١ٍُو

confront = face ٠ٛحؿٗ / ٠ـخرٗ challenges of modern life طلي٠خص حٌل١خس حٌلي٠ؼش

The Cairo International Book

ِعللَٝ حٌمللخَ٘س حٌلليٌٟٚ
ٌٍىظخد live in a sustainable way^

٠ع١ٖ رط٠َملش لا
ط٠َ حٌز١جش

farmland حلأٍٝ حٌٍِحع١ش future generations أؿ١خي حٌّٔظمزً
natural resources حٌّٛحٍى حٌطز١ع١ش distance learning حٌظعٍُ عٓ رعي

widespread ٚحٓع حلأظ٘خٍ be greatly interested in ٠ٙظُ ح٘ظّخِخ وز١َح رـ

children with special needs حلأ١فخي ًٚٞ حلاكظ١خؿخص حٌوخٛش contradictory results ٔظخثؾ ِظٕخل٠ش أٚ ِظ٠خٍرش

enormous amounts و١ّخص ٘خثٍش for different purposes ٌلأغَحٝ حٌّوظٍفش

hard efforts ؿٙٛى ١ٕ٠ِش hard currency حٌعٍّش حٌٜعزش
labour market ٓٛق حٌعًّ severe competition ِٕخفٔش ٗي٠يس
heavy burdens أعزخء ػم١ٍش collapse ٠ٕٙخٍ / ح١ٙٔخٍ
tangible improvement ٍِّّٛ ٓٔطل tangible evidence ٍِّّٛ ًى١ٌ
heavy rain أِطخٍ غ٠َِس heavy smoker ِيهٓ رَ٘ح٘ش
heavy industry حٌٜٕخعش حٌؼم١ٍش heavy traffic حُىكخَ حٌٍَّٚ

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