confidential ٓــَٞ top officials وزخٍ حٌّٔج١ٌٛٓ
revival اك١خء / ٠ٙٔش marvelous ٍحثع/ ِيٖ٘
destroy = ruin َِي٠ُ does (its) best طفعً ِخ رٛٓعٙخ
provide job opportunities طٛفَ فَٙ حٌعًّ thanks to رف٠ً
basic function ٚظ١فش أٓخ١ٓش grow physically weak ٠ٜزق ٟع١فخ ِٓ حٌٕخك١ش حٌزي١ٔش
a golden rule لخعيس ً٘ز١ش bringing up children طَر١ش حلأ١فخي
a favourite hobby ٘ٛح٠ش ِف٠ٍش a complex process ع١ٍّش ِعميس
a remarkable effect طؤػ١َ ٍِلٛظ أٚ رخٍُ over the ages ٍٜٛحٌع َِ ٍٟع
over the centuries َْٚحٌم َِ ٍٟع means of transport ٚٓخثً حٌٕمً
flyovers وزخٍٞ ع٠ٍٛش construct = build ١٘٠ي / ٠زٕٟ
state (v/n) ش٠لاٚ^ /^ فَُٜ٠ a source of pride ِٜيٍ فوَ
teamwork حٌعًّ حٌـّخعٟ strengthen ties ٠مٛٞ حٌَٚحر٢
enhance human values ٠عُِ حٌم١ُ حلإٔٔخ١ٔش satisfy needs ٠ٍزٟ حلاكظ١خؿخص
disabled children حلأ١فخي حٌّعخل١ٓ gifted children حلأ١فخي حٌّٛ٘ٛر١ٓ
be as important as لا ٠مً أ١ّ٘ش عٓ the art of conversation فٓ حٌلٛحٍ
constructive dialogue كٛحٍ رٕـخء constructive criticism حٌٕمي حٌزٕخء
destructive impact طؤػ١َ ِيَِ update knowledge شفَعٌّح^ ٍٛط٠^ ٚأ^ عيلَُ٠
world affairs حٌ٘جْٛ حٌعخ١ٌّش current events حلأكيحع حٌـخ٠ٍش
the moment they occur حٌٍل ش حٌظٟ طليع ف١ٙخفٟ make great progress ٠لمك طميِخ وز١َح
in different fields فٟ ِوظٍف حٌّـخلاص modern technology حٌظىٌٕٛٛؿ١خ حٌلي٠ؼش