
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1
cleaning التنظٌف communication اتصال / تواصل
admit ٌعترف somewhere ام^ اناكم
software برامج كمبٌوتر What type ما نوع ... ؟
smartphone تلٌفون زكى directions اتجاهات
cost (n / v) فلكٌُ^ /^ تكلفة mean (n / v) ٌعنى^ - ٌقصد وضٌع /^ - وسٌلة
positive اٌجابى personal details تفاصٌل شخصٌة
argue ٌجادل company (ies) ة / شركاتشرك
imagine ٌتخٌل petrol بنزٌن

translation words changed into another language. (^) .........................
app software on your smartphone. .........................
quiz questions to find out how much you know. .........................
chat to communicate with other people online. .........................
feedback information about how well or badly you did something. .........................
find out learn something that you didn‘t know before. .........................
get around travel from place to place. .........................
go out leave your home to do something fun with other people. .........................
robot a machine that is controlled by a computer can do some of
the things that people can do.
hybrid vehicles that use both petrol and electricity to drive the
GPS an app that navigates your journey from one place to
drive the engine ٌشغل المحرك find out ٌكتشف
Be controlled by ٌتم التحكم فٌه بواسطة find out ( about ) ٌكتشف عن
write down ٌدون / ٌسجل بالكتابة get around ٌتنقل / ٌسافر
Be programmed to مبرمج على concentrate on ٌركز على
Be interested in مهتم بـ find information about ٌجد معلومات عن
riding on a bicycle ٌركب على دراجة find information for ٌجد معلومات لـ
turn on / off ٌفتح / ٌقفل careful about حرٌص بشؤن
In conclusion ونتٌجة لذلك go long distances ٌسافر لمسافات طوٌلة
in the 20th century فى القرن العشرٌن travel a long way طوٌلة^ ٌسافر مسافة
in just five minutes خلال خمس دقابق فقط do a lot more things ٌفعل أشٌاء أكثر بكثٌر
On the one hand من ناحٌة give opinion about ٌعبر عن رأٌه فى
On the other hand من الناحٌة الأخرى need help with ٌحتاج مساعدة بشؤن
There‟s a danger with بشؤنهناك خطر familiar with مؤلوف لدى
from one place to
من مكان لآخر communicate with ٌتواصل مع
worried about قلق بشؤن know how to ٌعرف كٌفٌة .....
go out ٌخرج do well / badly ٌإدي بشكل جٌد/ سا
cause damage ٌسبب تلفٌات free time / spare time^ فراغوقت
cause problems ٌسبب مشاكل get^ answers^ ٌحصل علً اجابات

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