
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

  1. You will risk failing a traditional course if you...................
    a) do not attend class b) put up with your work
    c) find a wealth of information d) check your progress

  2. The passage discusses ................... types of learning.
    a) two b) three c) five d) several

  3. The word "wealth" here means...................
    a) money b) a big amount c) property d) bank account
    B) Answer the following questions:

  4. What is the main idea of the passage?

  5. What about punctuality in both kinds of learning?

  6. Which kind of learning do you prefer? Why?

4 - Write an essay of about 150 words on one of the following:
a) The pros and cons of mobile phones.
b) How to spend your leisure time.
5) a- Translate into Arabic:
1 - We have to cope with the technologically developed methods of cultivation. Modern methods of rice
cultivation result in big improvement in production. No longer are the traditional methods efficient in
this respect.
2 - Communication has become easier and the chance for individuals to obtain mass information at a
great speed has become available. This has resulted in a feverish race among nations to obtain
advanced technology.
3 - Great efforts are exerted to develop the industry of information technology as it is the language
which the world is communicating with at present and for long years to come.
4 - The internet is used everywhere for many different purposes. It is used by professionals to exchange
information. It is also used by amateurs to write or chat to each other electronically.
5 - Egypt is stepping giant steps towards modernization. This needs a lot of new criteria and measures.
We should take this into consideration, particularly in our educational system.
b- Translate into English:
للتليفون المحمول وخاصة من جانب الشباب، لأن ذلك قد يؤدى الى مشاكل صحية ونفسية يحذر الخبراء من الاستخدام المفرط - 1
واجتماعية خطيرة.
يعتقد الكثير من الناس أن الصحف الورقية ستختفى فى غضون سنوات قليلة بسبب اعتماد الناس على مواقع الانترنت للحصول على - 2
ثحبي نم مامتهأ بذجت اهنلأ اهب بابشلا باجعا ببسب ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج ىف ةريبك ًاحابرأ ةكرحلتحقق أفلام الخيال العلمى وأفلام ا - 3
.ةعتملاو ةراثلإا نع ًامباد
ل عجت اهنلأ كلذو جهنم ىأ ىف ًايساسأ اًءزج نوكت نأ بجي اذل ةيميلعتلا ةيلمعلا ىف اًماه اًرود ةيعامتجلااو ةينفلاو ةيضايرلا ةطشنلأل - 4
.ًاباذج ًاناالمدرسة مك

نم ءاربخلا رذحي اذل عمتجملا ىف ىضوفلا قلخو تاعباشلا رشن ىف ببستت ًانايحأ ىعامتجلاا لصاوتلا عقاوم نإف ،ةديدعلا اهباوف مغر - 5

الأستخدام السيا لها.
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