4 - What is meant by 'further education'?
a) education that is compulsory for people
b) education that is provided for people after leaving school
c) education that will be in a remote place
d) education that is much more than expected
B) Give short answers to the following questions:
- Mention two things that would help an interviewee to get a job.
- How can the interviewee get knowledge about the company?
- Do you think that interviews are a good way to find employees for your company? Why?
4 - Write an essay of about 150 words on one of the following:
a) Hard work b) A model person you want to follow
5) a- Translate into Arabic:
1 - Self studying, which involves studying without direct supervision or attendance in a
classroom, is a valuable way to learn. So, we should encourage such kind of education.
2 - We should always forget our disputes and look for the future. The wisest person is the one
who makes full use of what life offers him without sorrowfully looking back at what he has
b- Translate into English:
ترك أوطانهم والبحث عن مكان آمن للعيش فيه. تعانى العديد من دول العالم من مشكلة اللاجبين الذين تجبرهم الحروب والصراعات على - 1
هو فرصة كبيرة للشباب من مختلف دول العالم أن يلتقوا، وهذا بالتأكيد سيؤدى الى زيادة التفاهم ماع لك رصم ىف دقعيُ ىذلا بابشلا رمتؤم نا - 2
ى صحارينا هى أحد المصادر الربيسية للثروة، لو أعطيناها الرعاية المستحقة نستطيع أن نزيد دخلنا القومى و نحل العديد من المشكلات الت - 3
تواجهنا هذه الأيام.