
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1
question (v.) فى / ٌفحص / ٌراجعٌشك back hurting ألم الظهر
report تقرٌر other research ابحاث أخرى
DOs & DON‟Ts ما ٌجب و مالا ٌجب the same topic نفس الموضوع
Once a week ذات اسبوع، ... metal part الجزء المعدنى
clean up ٌقوم بالتنظٌف electrical cables كابلات الكهرباء
respond ٌستجٌب Wake up! أستٌقظ
the UK المملكة المتحدة links^ روابط
articles مقالات trousers بنطال
soil تربة surprising^ مدهش
a cut جرح dirt^ قذارة
exit ِوَؽ a title لقب / عنوان

blanket a warm cover on a bed .........................
burn damage to the body caused by fire or heat .........................
wrap cover something with cloth or paper .........................
evacuate leave a place because it is not safe .........................
immediately very quickly, without waiting .........................
bacteria very small living things that cause diseases .........................
breathe taking air in and out of your body .........................
danger the possibility of being hurt or killed .........................
CPR something you do to help someone take air in and out of
their body. ( Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation ( حٔعخٕ حٌمٍذ حٌَثٜٛ
first aid basic medical help given quickly .........................
research studying something to find new facts about it .........................
respond doing something when someone talks to you .........................
take ٌستنشق الهواء think about ٌفكر فى
take ... out ءاوهلا^ جرخٌُ move around ٌتنقل فى الجوار
take اجازة^ ذخؤٌ^ /^ علخٌ^ /^ علقٌت around the house داخل المنزل
talk to .... About ٌتحدث لـ .. عن ... complain about ٌشتكى بشؤن
belong to .... ٌخص / ٌنتمى لـ tie up ٌربط
grow in ... ٌتكاثر فى (مكان) fall on the floor ٌقع على الأرض
protect .... Against ٌحمى .... من close to the floor من الأرضقرٌب
prevent from / against ٌمنع من / ٌحمً من a home for موطن لـ
do CPR ٌقوم بإنعاش القلب full off = filled with مملوء بـ
move ... away from نع^ ادٌعب^ ..^ لقنٌ in a fire أثناء أى حرٌق
Keep the bin clean حافظ على نظافة السلة a building on fire مشتعلمبنى
make it difficult to ٌجعل من الصعب أن Be lying on the ground ضرلاا^ ىلع^ ادقار
contact with^ اتصال مع ... on a website على أحد مواقع النت
going into a house^ ٌدخل الى الٌبت at the door على الباب
in response to^ استجابة لـ warn...about / against ِٓ٠لٌٍ
evacuate a person to ٠ـٍٟ ٗوٚ حي fall on the floor ٝ٠مع عٍٟ حلاٍ
in an emergency فٟ كخٌش ١ٛحٍة move around ٠ٕظَ٘ فٟ

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