
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

on a website فٟ ِٛلع حٌىظَٟٚٔ carry ... into ... ٌحمل .. الى داخل ..
research into / on ٠زلغ فٟ research into / on ٠ٔظـ١ذ ٌـ
cover with / in ٌغطً بـ evacuate from ِٓ ٍٟ٠ـ
respond to (by / with) ٠ٔظـ١ذ ٌـ separate from ِٓ ًٜ٠ف
shout at ٠َٜم فٟ

Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Meaning

full (adj) ممتلا filled / crowded / busy empty / hungry / thin
dirty (adj) قذر muddy / mean / dishonest clean / decent / moral
bottom (n) قاع base / foot / underneath top / surface
at least علً الاقل not less than utmost
wrap (v) ٌغلف/ ٌلف cover / fold / surround uncover / reveal / disclose
evacuate (v) ٌخلً empty / remove / abandon remain / occupy / stay/ fill
burn (v) ٌحرق light / heat / hurt / pain freeze
chop (v) ٌقطع cut / divide / hack join / unite
breath (n) ٌتنفس respiration / inhalation /

passing / perishing / dying
/ cessation

danger (n) خطر

hazard / risk / insecurity /

security /safety / custody /
(adj) فوري

present / instant / direct /

distant / remote / mediate

(adv) فً الحال

without delay / instantly /

with delay / after a while

respond (v) ٌستجٌب لـ answer / reply / rejoin / tally propound / disaccord /
disagree / jar
interpret (v) ٌؤول/ ٌترجم clarify/ clear up/ demonstrate obsecure

Word Meaning Word Meaning

contain bacteria ٌحوى بكتٌرٌا stay clean افٌظن^ لظٌ
remove bacteria ٌتخلص من البكتٌرٌا follow the rules ٌتبع القواعد
carry bacteria ٌحمل بكتٌرٌا break the law ٌخالف القانون
change bedding ٌغٌر كسوة الفراش stay clean افٌظن^ لظٌ
come home ٌؤتى للبٌت check his breath ٌفحص تنفسه
become ill ٌمرض do something شا ماٌفعل
drop food ماعطلا^ طقسٌُ say sorry ٌتؤسف
give medical care ٌقدم رعاٌة صحٌة have an allergy to لدٌه حساسٌة تجاه
give advice ٌعطى / ٌسدى نصٌحة have exams coming up لدٌه امتحانات قادمة
receive advice ٌتلقى نصٌحة come back again ٌعود مرة أخرى
get angry / dirty ٌغضب / ٌتسخ put pressure on ٌضع ضغوط على

Verb Meaning Noun Adjective

dust ٌنفض الغبار dust dusty
wrap ٌغلف^ wrapping wrapped
evacuate ٌجلً / ٌخلً^ evacuation evacuated
burn ٌحرق^ burn / burning burning / burnt / burnable

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