
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1
endanger للخطر/ للانقراضٌعرض^ danger (s) dangerous
dirty ٌجعل ... قذرا^ dirt dirty
breathe ٌتنفس^ breath breathless
replace ٌبدل / ٌستبدل^ replaceability replaceable
remove ٌزٌل^ removal removable / removed
grow ٌنموٌزرع^ growth grown / growing
advise ٌنصح^ advice advisable / advised
injure ٌجرح/ ٌإذي^ injury injured / injurious
respond ٌستجٌب response responsive

Word Meaning Noun Adjective
allergy ...................................... sensitivity ......................................
research ...................................... search ......................................

breathe (^) ...................................... breath ......................................
remember (^) ...................................... remind ......................................
ask for ...................................... ask about ......................................
hygiene (^) ...................................... sanitation ......................................
rule (^) ...................................... role ......................................
law ...................................... low ......................................
translate (^) ...................................... interpret ......................................
article (^) ...................................... essay ......................................
replace ...................................... place / put ......................................
regularly (^) ...................................... gradually ......................................

  1. allow + obj + to + inf. ٠ّٔق Ex: My father allowed me to go out with my friends last night.

  2. cause + obj + to + inf ٠ٔزذ Ex: He caused her to cry.

  3. help (sb) inf. / to + inf. ٠ٔخعي Ex: I’ll help you do / to do your homework.

  4. let + obj + inf ٠يع Ex: My father let me go out with my friends last night.

  5. make .... inf. / adj... ٠ـعً Ex: Wasting our time made it difficult for us to answer the exam.

  6. spend time + G / adj ٠م٠ٟ Ex: I spent three hours asleep. / watching this film.

  7. stop ...... + G ..... ٠ٛلف / ٠ّٕع Ex: The policeman stopped him escaping.

  8. When + G ... عخىس/ كم١مش Ex: When driving, you must stick to the right.
    On + G ... ٌَّس ٚحكيس Ex: On seeing Hani, I told him what happened.

  9. keep ..... adj. ...... ٠لفع Ex: We should keep our food clean and healthy.

  10. soil تربة خصبة Ex:^ These plants only grow in a muddy^ soil.^
    ground أرض (خارج المنزل) Ex: She lost balance and fell to the ground.
    floor / طابق / دورأرضٌة (المنزل) Ex: He lives in a flat on the second floor.
    dust تراب / غبار (بالبٌت / ذرى) Ex: We should remove this dust from houses.

  11. contain )ٌحتوى على (ما ٌوجد داخل شا^ Ex: What does this box contain?^
    include )ٌشتمل على (جزء من كل^ Ex: The list includes your name.
    consist of ٌتكون من (كل الأجزاء)^ Ex: What does this dish consist of?

  12. help ... inf. / to + inf. ٠ٔخعي^ Ex:^ I‘ll^ help^ you^ do^ / to do^ your homework.^

  13. so much information / some salt / any advice / a lot of research ... اسم لا ٌعد
    so many people / some books / any students / a lot of bacteria ...... اسم ٌعد

  14. Research

اسم لا ٌعد ٌعامل معاملة المفرد
وٌؤتً معه الفعل مفرد

Ex: Research has shown that you should only wear
a pair of trousers for one day.
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