
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1
مستقبل / مضارع بسٌط / أمر / should

after / as soon as / when
before / by the time
till / until

بسٌط /مضارع تام

Ex: You should wash your hands when you‟ve finished gardening, too.
Ex: You shouldn‟t touch anything else until you‟ve washed your hands.
Ex: It‟s most important to wash your hands after you have touched your pets.
Ex: I will telephone you as soon as I arrive.

  1. A pair of ِٓ ُٚؽ^ Ex: a pair of^ shoes / trousers / jeans ....^ is^ / has^ ........^ الفعل مفرد^

  2. else آهَ Ex: Someone / Nothing / What + else .......... ا ضٌأ / رخآ

Nurse: Today, I‘m going to tell you what to do if you find a person who is lying on^
the ground and not moving. Call the emergency services immediately. Then
you must check if there are any dangers near to the person, like electrical
cables. If there are any dangers, move the person away from them. When
you know they‘re safe, shout ̳Hello!‘ or ̳Wake up!‘ and see if the person
responds. If the person doesn‘t respond to you, put your face next to their
face so you can check their breathing. If the person isn‘t breathing, the
emergency services will tell you how to do CPR so you can help the person
start to breathe again.

Dangerous Trousers!
Research has shown that you should only wear a pair of trousers for one day. Bacteria can grow
quickly in your trousers, so it‘s a bad idea to wear them for more than one day.

Always wash your hands!
Research has shown that people who wash their hands every time they come home from
outside don‘t become ill as often as people who don‘t.

Drill 1 :
Look at the words and phrases in the box and answer the questions.

breathe - CPR - emergency - services - danger - respond - first aid

  1. Which word means the possibility of being hurt or killed?

  2. Which word describes taking air in and out of your body?

  3. Which word describes doing something when someone talks to you?

  4. Which phrase describes the people who come to help you very quickly?

  5. Which phrase means something you do to help someone take air in and out of their body?

  6. Which phrase means basic medical help given quickly?

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