
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

Relative Clauses^
.جملة الصفة : هً جملة تبدأ عادة بضمٌر وصل و تستخدم فً تحدٌد اسم سابق لها-
(who / whom / which (that) / whose / where / when) بعد الاسم المراد وصلة مباشرة. ٌؤتً ضمٌر الوصل -

  • I told you about the woman - The womanlives next door.

  • I told you about the woman who lives next door.
    .الجملـه الثانٌـة ستخـدم لربـط الجمـل ببعضهـا وتحـل محـل الإسـم أو الضمٌر المكـرر فىٌضمٌر الوصل : -

  • We rented a housein Egypt - The house overlooked the Nile.

  • The house we rented in Egypt overlooked the Nile.

  • I bought a new car that is very fast.

  • I'm looking for a secretary who / that can use a computer well.
    عندما نستخدم ضمٌر الوصللاحظ أننا لا نكرر الضمٌر -

  • The woman who (she) lives across the road is a doctor.

  • My uncle, who (he) was born in Hong Kong, lived most of his life overseas.

1 - Who (That)
تستخدم لربط جملتٌن إذا كان الاسم المكرر فً الجملة الثانٌة فاعل أو مفعول عاقل. -

  • The woman is in hospital. She was injured in the accident.
    The woman, who / that was injured in the accident, is in hospital.

  • These are our relatives. We visited them every Friday.
    These are our relatives who / that we visited every Friday.

2 - Whom
لاقاع لاوعفم ةٌناثلا ةلمجلا ًف رركملا مسلاا ناك اذإ نٌتلمج طبرل مدختست -

  • The woman was killed in an accident. I saw her last week.
    The woman, whom/ who / that I saw last week, was killed in an accident.
    .)وفعل فاعلحٌث أنه ٌأتً بعدها فً هذه الحالة وٌمكن حذف هذه الروابط (*
    The woman I saw last week was killed in an accident.
    أو أن نتركه فً مكانه كما هو. whomٌمكن أن نضعه قبل قبل الكلمة المكررة فً حالة وجود حرف جر فً الجملة الثانٌة :ملحوظة
    Fahmy answered well. The teacher was pleased with him.
    Fahmy who / whom /that the teacher was pleased with answered well.
    Fahmy, with whom the teacher was pleased, answered well.

3 - Which / That
تستخدم لربط جملتٌن إذا كان الاسم المكرر فً الجملة الثانٌة فاعل أو مفعول غٌر عاقل -

  • The dog was mad. It used to bite people.
    The dog, which / that used bite people, was mad.

  • He told me a story. I never heard it before.
    He told me a story which / that I never heard before.
    *(وفً حالة المفعول ٌمكن حذف هذه الروابط حٌث أنه ٌأتً بعدها فً هذه الحالة فاعل وفعل).
    He told me a story I never heard before.

4 - Whose
الملكٌة ('s)ملكٌة أو صفةتستخدم لربط جملتٌن إذا كان المكرر فً الجملة الثانٌة -
( his / her / its / their) - الملكٌة هً : ضمائرمع ملاحظة أن *

  • Khaled will give a lecture next week. His book will be published soon.
    Khaled, whose book will be published soon, will give a lecture next week.

  • I saw a man. The man's car was damaged in an accident.
    I saw a man whose car was damaged in an accident.
    whose دعب امئاد ًتأٌ 's *الاسم الذي ٌتبع ضمٌر الملكٌة أو

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