
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

Reading Comprehension

* فً كل محاضرة بالتتابــــــع سنناقــــــش احــــــدي المهــــــارات الللً انت كطالب محتاجها علشان تفهــــــم و تحــــــل
.قطــــع ثانوٌـــــــة عامــــــــة لسنوات سابقةبشكل مظبوط وهنطبــــــــــق علً المهارات دي من خلالل مقطعــــــة الفهــــــ

Lecture 1 :

If you want to read well in English, you must think in English as you read. If you think in
another language and translate from English, you will always have difficulty with
comprehension. Understanding the words and the grammar is not enough. You need
to be able to follow the ideas in English.

1 - Reading faster ـــــش حٌمَحءس رَٔعــــ
There are two reasons for reading faster:
1 - You can read more in less time
2 - You can improve your comprehension
When you read slowly, It's harder to understand because the separate words become
separate pieces of information that you must remember. By the time you get to the end
of the sentence , you may have forgotten the beginning. When you read faster , you
understand better because you focus on the ideas by reading groups of words that are

How to read faster

1 - Skip over unknown words طوطٟ حٌىٍّخص حٌغ١َ ِعَٚفــــــش
In order to read faster, you must skip over words you don't know. You must also
skip over many other words that are not important for the general meaning. You
can get the important ideas from the text even with many words missing.

2 - Tips for reading faster
a. Don't try to pronounce every word as you read. Pronunciation is not necessary
for comprehension. In fact, if you try to say the words, you will probably
understand less.

b. Don't move your lips while reading silently? This makes you read slowly.

c. Do you follow the words in the text with your finger or a pencil? This limits the
way you read because you can't skip around .Pointing at the words forces
your eyes to follow the lines too closely. Your eyes should follow your thoughts
not your finger.

d. Don't translate into your native language as you read. This will slow down you
reading speed and it will interfere with your ability to think in English.
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