
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1
فٝ حلاِظلخٔخص ؟ ّمخلاصٛحع حٌِٔخ٘ٝ ح
.ِ٘ىٍٗ (ُٜ حٌظٍٛع / حلأ١ِٗ / حٌزطخٌٗ ...اٌن) - 1
)ِٟٛٛع عخَ ( ُٜ ِؼلا : ىٍٚ حٌ٘زخد / ىٍٚ حٌَّأٖ / ح١ّ٘ٗ ح٠ٌَخٟٗ ..اٌن - 2
ِِح٠خ ٚع١ٛد ( ُٜ حٌّٛرخ٠ً / حلأظَٔض / حٌظٍف٠ِْٛ ...اٌن ) - 3
٘يفه فٝ حٌل١خٖ / ِؼٍه حلاعٍٝ / ٗوٚ رظلزٗ .... حٌن) ِٟٛٛع ٗوٜٝ (رظظىٍُ ف١ٗ عٓ ٔفٔه : ُٜ ِؼلا - 4
ٍٜٗكٍٗ / ٠ُخٍٖ / ل - 5
ٔيهً فٝ حٌُّٙ ٠ٚلا ّٔٔه ويٖ حٌّٟٛٛع حٌعخَ ٚٔ٘ٛف ر١ظىظذ اُحٜ : 
حٌزَؿَحف رظخعه ٚطي٠ٍٗ ِٕ َ. ٘ؤلٌٛه اُحٜ:^ ز٢ِّىٓ رمٝ ط^ 
و١ف ٔىظذ عٓ ِ٘ىٍٗ؟

ِٕٕخ ٔىظذ رَؿَحف عٕٙخ ُٜ ِؼلا :ِخ حوؼَ حٌّ٘خوً فٝ حٌي١ٔخ حٌٍٝ ِّىٓ ٠طٍذ 
housingحلآىخْ - terrorismحلاٍ٘خد - unemploymentحٌزطخٌٗ - pollution حٌظٍٛع
حٌن حٌن the rise in pricesحٍطفخع حلآعخٍ - addictionحلإىِخْ - illiteracyحلأ١ِٗ
ع٘خْ ٔىظذ عٓ حٜ ِ٘ىٍٗ لاَُ طظٕخٚي حٍرعٗ حفىخٍ : 
طٌوَ رعي ويٖ حٓزخد حٌّ٘ىٍٗ - 2 حٌّ٘ىٍٗ ىٜ ٚطز١ٓ هطٍٛطٙخِميِٗ عٓ - 1
ٚفٝ حلأهَ رمٝ طىظذ كٍٛي حٌّ٘ىٍٗ - 4 ٚرعي٠ٓ طز١ٓ أػَ حٌّ٘ىٍٗ ع١ٍٕخ ٚعٍٝ حٌّـظّع - 3
: ٍِٗميِٗ لأٜ ِ٘ى 
 ....... is one of the worst and most complicated problems. I don't exaggerate
when I say that it has made our life a hell.
 Let's shed light on some of the main aspects of this dangerous problem.
رعي ويٖ ٌٔوَ حلآزخد ١ٚزعخ ىٜ رظوظٍف ِٓ ِ٘ىٍٗ لأهَٜ 
 .... and.....are the main causes of .....................
ّع ٚحٌز١جٗ رعي ويٖ ٟٚق حػخٍ حٌّ٘ىٍٗ عٍٝ حٌّـظ 
 The worst thing about ............ is that it results in other problems. It has
negative effects on all creatures living under the sun!
ٚفٝ حلاهَ ٠ٛٗٗ حلظَحكخص ٚحريأ رخٌـٍّٗ ىٜ : 
 Here are some suggestions that may help us to solve this nasty problem.

و١ف ٔىظذ عٓ ِٟٛٛع ِِح٠خ ٚع١ٛد ؟

فٝ ِميِٗ ظ٠َفٗ ؿيح ٔزيأ رٙخ ِع ٠ٛٗٗ طعز١َحص 
 The saying goes, "Perfection is a divine attribute" This means that nothing is perfect for
everything in life has merits and demerits. This golden rule applies to........ I'd like to draw your
attention to the fact that there are many advantages to .... One of the main advantages of
 Another advantage is the fact that...................................................
 As well as that............................................................................
 On the other hand,.........has/ have some demerits. The main disadvantage
that......Another disadvantage is that...............
:حٌّٟٛٛع فٟ ٔٔظويِٙخ ِّٓٚى ل٠ٛش ىٞحٌعزخٍحص *

  1. .......'s merits (demerits) can't be counted. .كَٜ٘خ ٓىُّ٠ لا( .... ع١ٛد) ِِح٠خ ٌٗ .........

  2. ....... plays an important (a vital) role (part) in ........... فٟ ( ك١ٛٞ ) ٘خَ ىٍٚ طٍعذ/٠ٍعذ.........

  3. People must spare no effort to + ٍِٜي ..........^ ٠ـذ عٍٟ حٌٕخّ ألا ٠يهَٚح ؿٙيح فٟ

  4. It's important we do our best to + ٍِٜي ............^ ِٓ ح٠ٌٍَٚٞ أْ ٔزٌي لٜخٍٞ ؿٙئخ ٌىٟ

  5. It's our responsibility (duty) to + ٍِٜي .......^ ِٔئ١ٌظٕخ/ ٚحؿزٕخ أْ ِٓ

  6. All mass media should throw the light on .... ٠ـذ عٍٟ وً ٚٓخثً حلاعلاَ حْ ط٢ٍٔ ح٠ٌٛء عٍٟ ...........

  7. It's necessary for us to make the best use of ... .............. ًح٠ٌٍَٚٞ حْ ٔٔظغً ....... حلآظغلاي حلاِؼ ِٓ

  8. We have to pave the way to .......... ع١ٍٕخ حْ ّٔٙي ح٠ٌَك ٌـ......

  9. We need to put an end to ........... ع١ٍٕخ حْ ٠ٔع كيح / ٔٙخ٠ش ٌـ..............

  10. We have to start a campaign against ........ ...........ع١ٍٕخ حْ ٔ٘ٓ كٍّش ٟي

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