Tips to be followed
.فمَس وً ِٓ ٓطَ أٚي فٟ ِٔخفش طظَن أْ ٟٕٔط لا.1
.طىظزٙخ حٌظٟ ًٌٍّـ ٛل١لش طَل١ُ علاِخص ٟع.2
.حٌّٟٛٛع ىحهً حٌَٚحر٢ آظويحَ فٟ ١َفطُ لا.3
.ٛل١ل١ٓ (grammar/ spelling) عٍٟ طلظٛٞ( ر١ٔطش )ل١َٜس ؿًّ آظويَ.4
:ِؼخي: ِٕخٓزش( ٍر٢ أىحس )ِٔظويِخ حٌـٍّظ١ٓ حٍر٢, فىَط١ٓ عٓ حٌظعز١َ أٍىص اًح.5
Over population is a dangerous problem, that's why it's necessary to overcome it.
Pollution is a serious problem because it threatens our life on earth.
(.ر٢١ٔ ِٔظمزً )ٚحٌظٛلعخص حٌظٕزئحص( - ر٢١ٔ ِٟٟخ )حٌلىخ٠خص( - ر٢١ٔ ٠ِخٍع )حٌلمخثك: حٌّٟٛٛع ِِٓر حلإٌظِحَ.6
.حٌّٟٛٛع عٓ حٌوَٚؽ ٚعيَ, ٌٕٚح رٛكيس حلإٌظِحَ.7
.عٕٙخ حٌىظخرش لزً حٌفمَحص طَط١ذ ٠ـذ وّخ. حٌّٟٛٛع ىحهً حٌّوظٍفش حلأفىخٍ ر١ٓ حٌظٕخٓك.8
.ى١ًٌ اٟخفش أٚ ِؼخي َٟد ٠َ١ك عٓ ًٌه فعً هٕىُّ٠ٚ. أوؼَ ٌظىظذ طٛٓعٙخ أٚ حٌفىَس ٍٛطُط أْ ىحثّخ كخٚي.9
طوف١ٞ اٌٟ حٌلىِٛش طٔعٟ )وخ٢ط١ش ؿٍّش وظخرش فٟ ٍغزش طؤط١ه عٕيِخ ٌٌٚح رخٌفخعً طزيأ حلإٔـ٠ِ١ٍش حٌـٍّش أْ طْٕ لا.11
".طٔعٟ "حٌفعً لزً" حٌلىِٛش "رخٌفخعً طزيأ أْ ع١ٍه ,(حلأٓعخٍ
. حلإِىخْ ليٍ ٚكٕٔخ ٚحٟلخ هطه حؿعً.11
.حٌّٟٛٛع ىحهً حٌـًّ طىَحٍ طـٕذ.12
ح٢ط١ش ٌٍّعخ١٠َ ٚفمخ ىٍؿظٗ حٌّٟٛٛع ٠ّٕق قلٌُّٜح أْ طٌوَ.13
.ر١ٕٙخ ٚحٌظّخٓه حلأفىخٍ طٕ ١ُ
(.حٌّٟٛٛع عٓ حٌوَٚؽ عيَ )رخٌّٟٛٛع حلإٌظِحَ
.حٌـًّ ٚطى٠ٛٓ رٕخء فٟ حٌيلش
.ٛل١ق ر٘ىً ٚوظخرظٙخ ِٕخٓزش ٚعزخٍحص وٍّخص أظمخء
.حٌٜل١لش حٌىظخرش ٚآ١ٌخص لٛحعي َِحعخس
:ح٢ط١ش حٌ٘خثعش حلأهطخء طـٕذ.14
.رفعً حٌـٍّش ريح٠ش
Don't say Should the Egyptians respect the law.
Say The Egyptians should respect the law.
( .)ٗىً عٍٟ ح٠ٌّخٍع حٌـٍّش فعً ط٘ى١ً
Don't say Tourism playing a main role in ..........
Say Tourism plays a main role in ............
.ٟٚحٌّٕف حٌّؼزض حٌز٢١ٔ ح٠ٌّخٍع فٟ حٌـّع ٚحٌفخعً حٌّفَى حٌفخعً ر١ٓ حٌو٢ٍ
- A student has/ Students have. - The state doesn't/ Smokers don't.
(.ٌٍٍَّٛع حٌّزٕٟ حٌز٢١ٔ ح٠ٌّخٍع طى٠ٛٓ عٕي ) ٌٍفعً حلأٚي حٌظ٠َٜف لزً ) is/ are ( ٟٚع
(.ٌٍٍَّٛع حٌّزٕٟ حٌز٢١ٔ حٌّخٟٟ طى٠ٛٓ عٕي ) حٌؼخٟٔ حٌظ٠َٜف لزً ) was/were ( ٟٚع
Don't say Eclipses are cause havoc. ىِخٍ
Say Eclipses cause havoc.
Don't say The accident was happened yesterday.
Say The accident happened yesterday.
(ِٟٛعّٙخ غ١َ فٟ ) حٌٕخلٜش حلأفعخي رعي to أٚ be ( ٟٚع
Don't say We must be increase .............
Say We must increase .................
Don't say People should to help ...............
Say People should help ..................
.......ٚحٌٕىَس حٌظع٠َف أىحس ر١ٓ حٌو٢ٍ
Don't say The honesty is the best quality.
Say Honesty is the best quality.
Don't say Last week, there was the earthquake.
Say Last week, there was an earthquake.
Mr. Osama El Gamal