Chapter 7
الكــــــــــــــــنز جـــــــــزيـــــرة
سابعال الفصــــــــــل
chain ٍٍٓٔش / ٠َر٢ رٍٍٔٔش gun fire ح١لاق حٌٕخٍ
crazy ِْٕٛـ cook ١زخم / ١خ٘ٝ
fort كٜٓ cough ٠ىق / ولش
guard ٠لَّ / كخٍّ crew ١خلُ ٓف١ٕش أٚ ١خثَس
honest أ١ِٓ dark َظلا / ٍُ ِ
frightened هخثف fence ٍٛٓ
mist ٟزخد except (for) ِخعيح
trial ِلخوّش voice ٛٛص حٔٔخْ
trick هيعش / ٠ويع pirate لَٛخْ
truce ٘ئش firewood كطذ
offer عَٝ / ٠عَٝ supplies ِئْ / حِيحىحص
advantage ١ِِس corner ٍوٓ / ُح٠ٚش
attack َٛ٘ـ everywhere فٝ وً ِىخْ
blow - blow - blown طٙذ jobs ِٙخَ / ٚظخثف
hurt - hurt - hurt ٠ئًٜ / ٠ـَف fly a flag ٠َفع عٍُ
hide - hid - hidden ٠وظفٝ / ٠وزت become ill َّٝ٠
win - won - won ٠فُٛ رـ have an advantage ٌي٠ٗ ١ِِس
hill / sand ًٍِ / ًط tell a story ٠لىٝ لٜش
woke .... up ٠ٛلع play a trick on ٠ٍعذ هيعش عٍٝ
come up to ٠ٜعي حٌٝ accept an offer ٠مزً عَٝ
call out to ٠ٕخىٜ ٗوٚ guard a building ٠لّٝ ِزٕٝ
put .. in chains ٠َر٢ رٔلآً make an offer ٠ميَ عَٝ
Jim Hawkins:
I walked with Ben Gun and we soon saw the fort. “Your friends will be inside, Jim,” said Ben. “It might be
the pirates,” I replied. “No, look at the flag! They will be good men,” he answered. “The fort was made by
Flint. He was a clever man and he wasn’t frightened of anyone, except Silver.” “Let’s go inside,” I said. “I
can’t go in there,” Gun replied. “I don’t trust anyone. I’ll wait for you. Remember what I told you. I can help
you. Come and find me tomorrow.”
َ ٔح"لا, فأؾحذٕٝ: "لي ٠ىٛٔٛح حٌمَحٕٛش" :لاً تحل شووٍف "أٛيلخثه ١ٓىْٛٔٛ رخٌيحهً, ٠خ ؿ١ُ"ِشيص أٔح ٚذٓ ؾٓ ٍْٚػحْ ِح ٌأيٕح جٌكظٓ، فمحي:
"لا فٍو ؾٓ: "ىعٕخ ٔيهً" فمٍص: "َفٍ١ٓ حيعخِ يكأ ٜأ ٝ٘و٠ ٓى٠ ٌُٚ حَ٘خِ لا^ ؿٍ ْخو يمف ,ضٍٕف ٗعٕٛ ٜٓلٌح حٌ٘ ,ٓ١لٌخٛ يخؿٍ ُ٘ ي١وأ !ٍُعٌٍ
". حيغ ٝٔيؿٚ يخعط ,هطيعخِٔ ع١طظٓأ ٕٝٔأ هٌ ٗظٍل خِ َوٌط ,نَ ظٔؤٓ ,يكأ ٜأ ٝف كػأ لا ,ًهحيٌح ٌٝح ذً٘أ ْأ ع١طظٓأ
Before I could go to the fort, there was the sound of more gun fire and I had to hide so I wouldn’t be hit.
From the trees where I waited, I could now see the Hispaniola. It was also flying a flag, but it was the black
pirate’s flag. When it was nearly dark, I walked round to the back of the fort and called out. The door opened,
and Dr Livesy let me inside. I sat down and told them my story.