
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1

ٌ٘ح, أعظمي "أ٠ٙخ حٌىخرظٓ, ٔلٓ ٠َٔي حٌىِٕ, ٕٚٓـيٖ, ِٚعفمحي ٍْيفٍ ِطٓحتلا: "حًح وخْ ٌي٠ه أٜ ٗت ٌظمٌٛٗ, فمٍٗ ح٢ْ"فمحي وحذطٓ ٌّْٛيص: حٌو١َ"
."ٍرّخ"فمحي وحذطٓ ٌّْٛيص: أٔىُ ؿ١ّعخ ط٠َيْٚ أْ طغخىٍٚح حٌـ٠َِس رؤِخْ, أٔض ٌي٠ه حٌو٠َطش, أ١ٌْ وٌٌه؟"
“I know you have it,” said Silver. “We don’t want to hurt you. Give us the map and then we will take you
home on the ship. We’ll take you somewhere safe. Or, if you prefer, we’ll leave you some supplies and you
can stay on the island. Then we can ask another ship to come and take you home. It’s a kind offer, and I hope
you all want to take it.” He said this last part loudly, so that we could all hear in the fort. “Is that all you can
offer?” said Captain Smollett. “It is, and if you don’t accept my offer, all you will hear from me is the sound of
guns!” “Now you can listen to me,” replied Captain Smollett.
"أعَف أٔٙخ ٌي٠ه, ٔلٓ لا ٠َٔي أْ ٔئ٠ًه, أعطٕخ حٌو٠َطش ٚرعي٘خ ٕٓؤهٌن ٌٍي٠خٍ عٍٝ حٌٔف١ٕش, ٕٓؤهٌن حٌٝ ِىخْ آِٓ, أٚ, حًح وٕض فمحي ٍْيفٍ:
ّٕٝط٠َي, ٕٓظَن ٌه رعٞ حٌّئْ ٠ّٚىٕه عٕي٘خ حٌّىٛع فٝ حٌـ٠َِس, ٚرعي٘خ ٕٓطٍذ ِٓ ٓف١ٕش أهَٜ أْ طؤطٝ ٚطؤهٌوُ ٌٍي٠خٍ, أٗ عَٝ و٠َُ, ٚحط
ٌ٘ح ٘ٛ وً ِخ ٠ّىٕه ً٘"لحي ً٘ج جٌؿُء جلأنيٍ ذظٛش ٍِضفغ ٌىٝ ّٔٓؼٗ ؾّيؼح ٚٔكٓ ذىجنً جٌكظٓ، فمحي وحذطٓ ٌّْٛيص: ٖٛ ؿ١ّعخ" أْ طمزٍ
"ح٢ْ ٠ّىٕه أْ فٍو وحذطٓ ٌّْٛيص لحتلا: "!ٙٔعُ, ٚحًح ٌُ طمزٍٛح عَٟٝ, وً ِخٓظّٔٛعٗ ِٓ ٘ٛ ٛٛص حٌَٛخ"" فمحي ٍْيفٍ: عَٟٗ ع١ٍٕخ؟
“If you come up to the fort, one by one, without any guns, I’ll put you all in chains and take you back to
England for trial. If you don’t, you’ll have problems. You can’t find the treasure. You don’t have enough men
to sail the ship, and you can’t fight us here in the fort.” Silver looked very angry. “This will not end well for
any of you,” he said, and then he walked slowly back down the hill. Captain Smollett came back into the fort
and said to us, “He’ll be back in an hour to attack us. There are more of them than us, but we have the
advantage inside the fort, and I am sure that we can win”.
ْٛظ١ٍٛ"حًح ؿجظُ حٌٝ حٌلٜٓ, فَىح فَىح, فٔٛف أٟعىُ ؿ١ّعخ فٝ حٌٔلآً ٚأعٛى رىُ حٌٝ حٔـٍظَح ٌىٝ ٠ظُ ِلخوّظىُ, ٌٚىٓ اْ ٌُ طفعٍٛح ًٌه, ٓظ
غؼد طـيٚح حٌىِٕ, ١ٌْٚ ٌي٠ىُ ِخ ٠ىفٝ ِٓ حٌَؿخي ٌلأرلخٍ رخٌٔف١ٕش, ٚلا ٠ّىٕه أْ طلخٍرٕخ ٕ٘خ فٝ حٌلٜٓ"فٝ ِ٘خوً, أٔظُ لا طٔظط١عْٛ أْ
"١ٓعٛى غُ ِشٝ ذرطة جٌٝ أْفً جٌطً، ػحو وحذطٓ ٌّْٛيص جٌٝ وجنً جٌكظٓ ٚلحي ٌٕح: "ٌ٘ح ٌٓ ٠ٕظٙٝ رٍٜٛس ؿ١يس لأٜ أكي ِٕىُ" :يحلٚ ًجىؾ ٍفٍيْ
حٌىؼ١َ ُِٕٙ ٌٚىٓ ٌي٠ٕخ ١ِِس إٔٔخ ريحهً حٌلٜٓ, ٚأٔخ ِظؤوي ِٓ أٔٗ ٠ّىٕٕخ حٌفُٛ".هلاي ٓخعش ١ٌٙخؿّٕخ, ٕ٘خن

Every new day


Another chance


Change your life

Mr. Osama El


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