Chapter 8
جـــــــــزيـــــرة الكــــــــــــــــنز
منلثاا الفصــــــــــل
anchor مرساة / هلب die ٌموت
cry ٌصٌح / صرخة waves أمواج
tent خٌمة pocket جٌب
fence سور impossible مستحٌل
paddle مجداف distant بعٌد
steer ةداٌقلا^ ةلجع^ /^ كرحٌُ mostly فى الغالب
shot طلقة نارٌة quickly بسرعة
rope حبل completely ا^ مامت
noise ضوضاء / ضجة weakly بضعف / بوهن
thick سمٌك / غلٌظ suddenly فجؤة / بشكل مفاجا
sword سٌف darkness الظلام
on its own وحدها a terrible end نهاٌة مإلمة
lie - lay - lain ٌرقد / ٌتمدد weapon سلاح
by the door بجوار الباب parrot ببغاء
climb a fence ٌتسلق سور cape لسان (تحٌطه المٌاه من ثلاث جوانب)
fire a gun ٌطلق النار woods غابة
run through a door ٌجرى عبر الباب walk into ٌدخل الى
steer a boat ٌقود المركب in front of امام
put ... in my pocket جٌبى^ أضع فى in trouble فى ورطة
a group of مجموعة من fire at ٌطلق النار على
animal skins جلود الحٌوانات each other بعضهم البعض
get better ٌتحسن on his side من جانبه / لصالحه
Jim Hawkins:
We prepared our weapons and the captain told us what to do. “Doctor, you stay by the door. Hunter,
stay at the east of the fort. Joyce can stand at the west. Gray and Trelawney will stay at the north. If the
pirates get inside the north of the fort, we’re in trouble.” After an hour, Joyce said that he saw someone
coming. We all looked and listened, and we got our weapons ready. Suddenly, Joyce fired his gun. Then, we
heard guns firing at us from all sides of the fort. There was a lot of noise and smoke, but nobody was hurt.
Then everything went quiet again.
"أ٠ٙخ حٌطز١ذ, أٔض ٓظّىغ رخٌمَد ِٓ حٌزخد, ٚأٔض ٠خ ٘خٔظَ أرمٝ فٝ َٗق حٌلٜٓ, ٠ّٚىٓ :ًلاحل ٍٗؼفْٕ حّذ ٓطذحىٌج حٍٔرنجٚ حٕطكٍْأ حٌمى ؾُٙٔ
ذؼى ْحػس، ٌـ٠ْٛ أْ ٠مف ٔخك١ش حٌَ٘ق, أِخ ؿَححٜ ٚ ط٠ٍَٛٔٝ ف١ّٔىؼْٛ فٝ حٌّ٘خي, اًح ىهً حٌمَحٕٛش حٌٝ ّٗخي حٌلٜٓ فٕٔىْٛ فٝ ١ٍٚش"
لحي ؾٛيّ أٔٗ ٌأٜ شهض ِح لحوَ، ٔظٍٔح ؾّيؼح ٚأٔظطٕح ٚؾُٙٔح أٍْكطٕح، فؿأز أؽٍك ؾٛيّ جٌٕحٌ، ٚذؼى٘ح ّْؼٕح ػٍخ جٌٍطحص ػٍيٕح ِٓ وً
ؾٛجٔد جٌكظٓ، وحْ ٕ٘حن جٌىػيٍ ِٓ جٌؼٛػحء ٚجٌىنحْ، ٌٚىٓ لا أقى أطيد، غُ أطرف وً شة ٘حوب ٍِز أنٍٜ.
“Did you hit anyone?” the captain asked Joyce. “I don’t think so,” he replied. “How many people fired
on your side, Doctor?” asked Captain Smollett. “There were three,” he replied. “How many on your side,
Trelawney?” Trelawney and Gray were not sure. They thought seven, eight or nine. There was only one shot