8 | NewScientist | 20 April 2019
WE ARE starting to understand why a
tender caress feels different to other
forms of touch.
Parts of the skin that have hairs on
them, such as the backs of hands but
not the palms, have nerve fibres that
respond to gentle touch. Normally,
when mammals are touched, these
fibres send a signal through the spinal
cord to a part of the brain called the
primary somatosensory cortex, which
reacts to changes on the surface of
the body.
But for pleasurable touch, this
signal takes a detour to a part of the
brain called the insular cortex first.
To understand how these pleasure
signals are processed, Louise Kirsch
at Sorbonne University in France and
her colleagues compared the touch
responses of 59 people who had
experienced a stroke with those of
20 people who hadn’t.
The team touched the participants
with a soft-bristled brush on their
forearms at two speeds; the slower
of the two is known to stimulate the
pleasure-sensing nerve fibres. They
asked everyone to rate how intensely
they felt the touch and how pleasant
it was.
All of the participants found the
slower brush speed more pleasurable,
but some of those who had
experienced a stroke rated it less
pleasant than the control group did
(BioRxiv, doi.org/c4hb).
When the team analysed the brain
scans of the participants, they found
that over 80 per cent of people who
had had a stroke and reported less
sensitivity to pleasant touch on their
arm had a lesion on their insular
cortex, suggesting that enjoying
pleasurable touch less is tied to
damage in this part of the brain.
We have previously found that the
nerve fibres involved in pleasure are
related to the insular cortex, but this
study gives more concrete evidence,
says Francis McGlone at Liverpool
John Moores University in the UK.
Chelsea Whyte ■
How the brain
processes a
pleasant touch
Adam Vaughan, Vienna
WE KNOW climate change made
the heatwave that swept the
northern hemisphere last year
more probable, but can we say
that it actually caused it?
In a bold claim, a group of
researchers are suggesting that
the extent of the heatwave would
have been impossible without the
carbon dioxide we have pumped
into the atmosphere. Other
scientists have cautioned against
unequivocally pinning the blame
on climate change.
Many regions were hit by
extreme heat between May
and July 2018. An area of 5 million
square kilometres was affected by
“hot days” over the period, which
is around 22 per cent of populated
and agricultural land areas in the
northern hemisphere. There were
record temperatures in Japan, and
wildfires in Sweden.
“The area affected could not
have occurred without climate
change,” says Martha Vogel at
ETH Zurich in Switzerland.
Vogel and her colleagues
modelled the extent of areas
concurrently affected by heat
in a world without the 1°C rise
of warming that humanity has
caused since the days of the
industrial revolution.
When the team compared
this with the size of observed
heatwave areas since the 1950s,
they found the two were mostly
in line. But their simulations
couldn’t replicate the size of
the area affected in 2018. The
largest region they could reach
was just 20 per cent of the actual
affected area.
When the researchers
reintroduced our warming
impact, they found comparable
heatwaves could occur every six
years. “So it is not unlikely to
have such an event like last year,”
says Vogel.
The team’s research suggests
that if temperatures rise by a
further 1°C, as they are on track
to do, heatwaves like that in 2018
could occur every year. Vogel
presented the findings at the
European Geosciences Union
General Assembly in Vienna.
Other efforts to attribute
specific extreme weather events
to climate change look at how
much more probable an event
was made by the warming we
have caused. For example, an
assessment last year found
that the 2018 heatwave was five
times more probable because
of climate change.
“Climate models aren’t good
at simulating heatwaves, so
people are usually cautious
about reporting the results as
having been impossible,” says
Geert Jan van Oldenborgh of the
Royal Netherlands Meteorological
Institute in De Bilt.
The research also set a relatively
low threshold for what constitutes
a hot day: temperatures above the
90th percentile of the historical
long-term average. A higher bar,
closer to what most people would
define as a hot day, would yield a
different result, says Oldenborgh.
The time frame of May to July
also excludes August, meaning
around half the heatwaves of a
typical year are left out.
“There are many uncertainties
involved in attribution studies
which make concrete statements
very difficult to defend,” says
Hannah Cloke at the University
of Reading, UK.
It is reasonable to measure the
area affected by hot days but it
isn’t the only way of looking at
heatwaves. Equally, there are
many different ways of defining
what extreme heat is, Cloke says. ■
Heatwave blamed
on climate change
M^ N
The sun sets over London on the
hottest day of 2018–
“The many uncertainties in
attribution studies make
concrete statements
very difficult to defend”