The Economist - USA (2020-03-21)

(Antfer) #1
The EconomistMarch 21st 2020 3

1 Contents continues overleaf


The world this week
7 A summary of political

9 The pandemic
10 The world economy
Fighting the slump
11 Free speech
Stop deporting reporters
11 Guyana
Petro power struggle
12 Professional sports

14 On coronavirus and
business, central banks,

15 The pandemic
The lockdown and the
long haul
19 The economic
Experimental treatment

United States
23 America’s covid-
24 The census
25 Joe Biden’s electoral
26 Gay rural Americans
27 Fake scrolls
28 LexingtonDeclinism

The Americas
29 Coca and refugees in
30 BelloVenezuela’s
political quarantine
32 Canada and lichen

33 Covid-19 in India
34 Banyan The Pacific
35 Recession in Australia
36 Jihad in the Maldives
36 MakingwagyuJapanese

37 Sino-American rivalry
38 Worries about imported
39 ChaguanSuffering teens

Middle East & Africa
41 Ethiopia’s hidden war
42 HIV and the disabled
43 Crocodile-hunting in
43 Prayer in a pandemic
44 Bibi and the virus

Free exchange
Economies can quickly
recover from huge
slumps in GDP—but not
always, page 65

On the cover

The struggle to save lives and
the economy is likely to
present agonising choices:
leader, page 9. Europe’s
lockdown, page 15.
Governments and central
banks are spending, page 19.
Business grinds to a halt,
page 55. The dash to cash,
page 61. The Fed acts, page 63.
The virus and schools, page 53.
Italy in peril, page 45.
American life transformed,
page 23. Covid-19 is exposing
America’s resilience as well as
its vulnerability: Lexington,
page 28. The grim prospects
for India,page 33. The virus
and Britain’s big state, page 50.
History is a valuable resource
in dark times: Bagehot, page 52.
How virus-testing works,
page 66

  • US-China relations in crisis
    Amid the pandemic, Sino-
    American relations are rapidly
    worsening: leader, page 11and
    analysis, page 37

  • Ethiopia’s hidden war
    A military crackdown threatens
    the country ’s fragile transition to
    democracy, page 41

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