Techlife News - USA (2020-03-21)

(Antfer) #1

There’s also a vaccine for the flu, and not for the
new strain of coronavirus.

Similarly, Oz applied the brakes last week when
Hannity said that the odds of people dying from
coronavirus were negligible unless they were
elderly or had a preexisting condition.

The doctor said: “The risk of dying is unclear
because we haven’t been able to study it in
this country.”

While Hannity mentioned the flu again
on Monday’s show, he also noted that the
coronavirus death rate was higher.

Most people who get coronavirus have only
mild or moderate symptoms. For some,
especially older adults and people with existing
health problems, it can cause more severe
illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority
of people recover.

Both Hannity and Ingraham praised Trump this
week for his decisions to restrict travel to the
United States from China and Europe.

“We can say tonight without a doubt, the
president’s China and European travel ban
I predict will go down as the single most
consequential decision in history,” Hannity said.
“That’s not political. It bought us time. It bought
the hospitals time to prepare.”

While attacking the “media mob” for criticizing
Trump, Hannity also cited a Breitbart News
report that suggested Democrats were not
paying enough attention to coronavirus in its
early stages because they were preoccupied
with the president’s impeachment trial.

“The media, some have been enjoying this
moment that has brought great inconvenience,
disruption and suffering to American workers

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