Teaching the concept of necessity

(Maria Pardos) #1

The pedagogical observation is often used as the researched problem is observed in
ordinary condition. As scientific method, it is systematized and consists in a close observation of
the activities, starting from a well-structured plan and using the right instruments.
It is used together with other research methods and during the whole research, offering
supplementary data about different aspects of the investigated phenomena.
The act of teaching is essentially a constant processing of opinions. During this research
we have noticed that at every point in each lesson we have a number of options available. We
can decide whether we should do a certain grammatical problem during the class, or not.
In order to be aware of as many options as possible, we used the observation method.
We could get all the information we needed: whether the students had understood the uses and
meanings of modal verbs or they could recall what had been taught during the English classes, or
whether they were able to reflect on a given topic. We could also draw and use the necessary
conclusion to prepare the future practical experience.
The choice of this particular topic was suggested to me by the spontaneous observation
of the fact that many of my students have trouble in correct usage of the modals in English.
However, spontaneous observation is not necessarily relevant for a state of facts, which made me
think of a more organized activity of the kind.
Consequently, I began to create contexts in which students should be obliged to use
modals rules and I carefully took down notes of their errors and mistakes. In time I noticed that
some of the mistakes appeared more often than others and I also realised that quite a large
number of students tend to use the long Infinitive after a modal verb
e.g. You must to go to bed now.
 You must go to bed now.
She can to be at her office now.
 She can be at her office now.
Another common mistake that I have noticed to my students while working with modals
is the use of “-S” at the third person singular, present tense:
E.g. It may disappears.
 It may disappear.
Also, many students tend to add “WILL” to a modal to make future:
Books will may become more popular.
 Books may become more popular.
From the analyses, students’ difficulties in modal verbs are concluded to be caused by
factors such as: he misunderstanding of modal verbs, which mean that students only remember a

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