Teaching the concept of necessity

(Maria Pardos) #1

  1. He may not remember his

b. He sometimes sends me e – mails.

  1. He must be very shy. c. She retired 7 years ago.

  2. She can’t be serious. d. He hasn’t seen him for ten years.

  3. He must have a computer. e. He never opens his mouth.

IV. Translate into English: 4p x 5 20 points

  1. Amalia s-ar putea sa ajunga mai tarziu. A pierdut autobuzul.

  2. Ea s-ar puta sa doarma acum.

  3. Nu e nevoie sa –ti minti parintii.

  4. Aceea trebuie sa fie verisoara lui.

  5. Probabil ca a invatat foarte mult.
    The evaluation of the test led to the results illustrated in the table below:

Table No 2
Grades obtained Number of students
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 3
8 2
9 1

Distribution of students according to the grades obtained
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