Teaching the concept of necessity

(Maria Pardos) #1
According to Graph 1, the results were the following:

  • 3 students of 18 in class 7th A have a poor level of knowledge;

  • 12 students have an intermediate level of knowledge;

  • 2 students managed to obtain a good enough grade 8;

  • 1 of them succeeded in obtaining the highest grade 9.

  • No student succeeded in getting a 10.

For the first task 10 students of 18 were able to choose the correct answers and the
remaining of 8 had difficulties in understanding the meaning of the verb and filling in the blanks
The second exercise was successfully solved by 11 students of 18. The third was
correctly solved by 9 students of the 1 8 and the others 9 partly matched the two halves correctly,
proving that they can make connections and word associations.
The fourth task was by far the most difficult for them, only 3 managing to solve it
with a few mistakes, 4 students solved more than half of the task and 20 students proved that
they do not know how to use modal verbs correctly and are not able to properly make a linguistic
The same test was applied to the class 7th B and the results they obtained were
the following:
Table No. 3
Grades obtained Number of students

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