Teaching the concept of necessity

(Maria Pardos) #1

who make errors when they try to use the language in context. Therefore, students do not
develop the ability to use grammar correctly in oral and written interactions by doing mechanical
drills, because these drills separate form from meaning and use. If we see language as a strict set
of rules there will be disconnections between knowing the rules of grammar and being able to
apply them.
Therefore, grammar should be taught in order to enable the students to communicate
properly, that is to use with accuracy different grammar structures in their everyday interactions.
In different historical periods of second language pedagogy, there have been different
viewpoints and theories about language learning in general and about grammar in particular. As
a result, there have been different language teaching methods and approaches that have been
acceptable, preferable and dominant during their time of existence.

5.1.1 The Grammar Translation Method

In nineteenth century Europe, the Grammar Translation Method was the most
influential foreign language technique. This method was derived from a traditional teaching
method, used for students of classical languages. Text is translated methodically and the student
memorizes the rules and the exceptions to those rules gradually. Understanding literary
masterpieces and ancient texts is priority, and this method continues to be favoured for classical
languages today. The grammar translation method instructs students in grammar, and provides
vocabulary with direct translations to memorize. Most instructors now acknowledge that this
method is ineffective by itself.
Courses follow a well determined grammar syllabus and often begin with the explicit
statement of the grammar rule, followed by translation exercises into and out of the foreign
language. However this method does not develop student awareness of the new language as it
relies only in analogy with their first language According to Marianne Celce Murcia (2001: 6)
“the result of this approach is usually an inability on the part of the student to use the language
for communication”.
A greater attention to grammar (focus on form/structure) has now re-emerged as many
teachers try to integrate structures into content focused lessons. But explicit teaching of
grammatical rules in isolation is rare nowadays.

5.1.2 The Direct Method
As a reaction against the Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method stated that
grammar should not be taught overtly, even if the lesson is based on a grammar syllabus. Priority

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