Backpacker – August 2019

(Marcin) #1

of whom recommended, “just don’t think
about the backcountry” and “watch a lot of
kitten videos.”
Hearing this, and more, I wondered if
inviting Rick on this trip had been such a
good idea after all. Was all of this beauty just
an ugly reminder? Had the Range of Light
gone dark for him? I hoped this trip would
help him discover a route, not only to Mt.
Morgenson, but for a way forward in life.
The following morning and 6,000 verti-
cal feet later, we topped Sheppard Pass, and
were welcomed to the high country with

a squall. “Smell that?” Rick said, inhaling
deeply, as we pulled ponchos from our packs.
“Rain on granite, nothing like it.” And he
was off, hustling across the exposed plateau.
Thunder growled. Lightning f lashed. “We
should spread out a couple hundred feet,” he
yelled back to me. “If the lightning gets much
closer, get up against a rock and sit on your
sleeping pad with your knees pulled up to
your chest.” He took a few more steps. “Hey,
not to freak you out,” he continued, “but if I
die up here, I’m good with that.” He inhaled
deeply again, and I gave him a thumbs-up.


Trail by Design


Latasha Dunston

@jitterbug_art |

I hope to inspire people to
slow down and really take in the
landscape, notice the little

details and movements around you. I

also make it a point to photograph

all my work while I am on the trail

and each photo shows my hand.
My brown, skin kissed hand.

That is me, a black cis woman,
taking up the space I deserve in
the world and when I share my art
people see my skin and they know
that the outdoors is for everyone.”

We have an innate
connection to the natural
world that we cannot
explain. Green spaces
and bright colors of
wildfl owers are what fuel
my passion for painting.


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