American Craft – August 01, 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
The artist with a log
of paulownia that she
planted in her yard
some 30 years ago. She’s
making the first cuts to
get it down to size for
a “skeleton” — corner
blocks, end blocks, and
linings – which holds
the body of an instru-
ment together.

bottom left :
Cole made the Traveler
violin (2018) for Eric
Sewell of the New
Mexico Philharmonic.

Cole spends countless
hours adorning her
work. Here, a bobcat
peers through an f-hole
of one of her violas. She
uses thin inks, acrylics,
and pastels so as not to
interfere with an instru-
ment’s tonal vibrations.

The interior of the
Pearl violin (1998)
is adorned with
pastels to depict an
oyster bed on the bot-
tom of a shallow sea.

american craft aug/sept 19 13
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