Amateur Photographer (2019-04-13)

(Antfer) #1

subscribe 0330 333 1113 I I 13 April 2019 35


Know your ‘most selected’ fi le
When you select several fi les in Lightroom,
one of them will be the ‘most selected’ and
therefore given priority. If, when making an
HDR or panorama, the ‘most selected’ is mono,
the merged image will carry the same settings.

For greater
stitching control,
buy dedicated

The most
selected file will
have a slighter
brighter box


16 bit or 32 bit?
Lightroom produces a 16-bit HDR in
the Adobe DNG raw format. If you prefer
to work with a bigger 32-bit HDR, you can
easily create one using Photoshop’s Merge
to HDR feature. This will also give you the
option to send the image fi le to Camera
Raw for toning (which handily offers
near-identical controls to those in
Lightroom’s Develop Module).


Go pro with panoramas
For greater control over panorama
stitching, consider buying dedicated software
like PTGui (£88 for a personal licence). This
takes panorama stitching to the next level.
You can choose from multiple projections
and create multi-level or 360° panoramas,
plus – unlike Lightroom – there’s no
maximum image size.
Free download pdf