subscribe 0330 333 1113 I I 13 April 2019 37
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asthey’llbediscarded.However,if you’vealready
spenttimecorrectingonephotoin theset,youcan
alwayssyncthecorrectionswiththeHDRfile once
Try HDR plug-ins
If you want to explore further HDR
options beyond those found in Lightroom
then there are plenty of dedicated apps
out there, including many – like Photomatix
here – that work as a plug-in for Lightroom,
meaning you can export your images to the
app with a right-click.
Correct for movement
in HDRs
This seeks out movement and inconsistencies
between frames, like blowing clouds, water or
grass, and in areas where things have changed,
it uses the information from a single exposure
in the set, so that you don’t end up with messy
areas of transparency. There are four strength
settings to choose from. You can see how
each affects areas of the image by enabling
the overlay (Y).
Change the preview
The preview box for HDR and
Panorama Merge can be dragged to resize
it. However, for performance reasons the
maximumresolutionof thepreviewdisplayed
withintheboxis only1024pxonthelongedge
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Panoramas willbelimitedin sizeto
65,000 pixels along thelongside,or 512
megapixels (whichevercomesfirst).Thisis
plenty for most of us, butif youwanttobuild
hyper-detailed giga-panoramasfromdozens
of photos then you’ll needtouseother
stitching software like PTGui.
Pano projections
Each of theseaffectsthewayimages
are stretched or warped.Perspectiveusesthe
centre image as a reference,thenstretches
and skews the others tomatchit. Cylindrical
maps the panorama asif ontheinsideof a
cylinder and corrects forbowingbetween
frames in wide panoramas.Sphericalworks
by mapping the framesasif theywereonthe
inside of a sphere – bestfor360°panoramas.
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Two merges in one
A recent update to Lightroom sees the
introduction of a new combined HDR Panorama
feature that lets you do both at once by merging
bracketed overlapping frames into an HDR
panorama. The HDRs automatically have the
auto-align and auto-settings options turned on, so
if you don’t want these to factor in then you’ll need
to fi rst create the HDRs manually before merging
to a panorama.
Give plug-ins such as
Photomatix a go
Merge bracketed
files that overlap
in one go