Amateur Gardening – 20 July 2019

(Barry) #1

Plant into well-cultivated,
well-drained soil.
These related
plants enjoy light shade.
Tiarella, heucherella
and pale-coloured
heucheras will tolerate
deeper shade. Heucheras
(though not the palest-
leaved) tolerate sun if
they have moist soil.
Water during droughts
while plants are establishing.
Clumps will become woody and jaded after three or
four years, so lift in early autumn (well-drained soils only)
or spring. Divide, tidy up and replant.
Vine weevils find heuchera roots tasty and are especially
troublesome in pots. If they become a problem, drench
plants in autumn with a solution of nematodes.

Care for your heuchera

Four plants for impact

‘Golden Zebra’
Citrus-yellow foliage,
heavily marked with reddish
brown centres, are joined
by panicles of lovely white
flowers in spring. Reaches
18in (45cm) high.

Bottom inset: John Swithinbank / TI Media. All other images Alamy, unless credited

Tiarella ‘Spring Symphony’
A foam flower with deeply
indented leaves marked
with chocolate and joined
by spikes of white flowers in
late spring and early summer.
Reaches 12in (30cm) tall,
and prefers spring division.

Tellima grandiflora
Known as fringe cups, the
natural simplicity of this
North American species
suits semi-wild plantings.
Self-seeds freely, hardy
and easy on the eye.
Reaches 30in (75cm) tall.

TI Media

Heuchera ‘Can Can’
Shapely leaves with crimped
and curled edges are a
pleasing purple overlaid
with silver with flashes
of pink underskirts. Pale
green flowers in summer.
Reaches 18in (45cm) high.

Plant into well-cultivated,

while plants are establishing.
Clumps will become woody and jaded after three or

Care for your heuchera

TI Media

Lift in early
autumn or spring
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