Amateur Gardening – 20 July 2019

(Barry) #1

Pick of the very best


Graham Rice chooses his six top RHS Award of Garden Merit winners


This week it’s

Regular or sprouting, purple, white or green – this cruciferous veg is full of nutrients
and a doddle to grow. Choose from Graham’s top six for guaranteed goodness

Purple sprouting broccoli is easy to grow and
looks good in the veg patch and on the plate

Kings 01376 570000
Mr Fothergill’s 0333 777 3936 (calls as per 01/02 numbers)
Marshalls 0844 557 6700 (calls up to 7p per minute)
Suttons 0844 326 2200 (calls cost up to 7p per minute)

Where to buy


ROCCOLI and calabrese –
are they different or the same?
Over the years, the two names
have become muddled, so
what exactly are we talking about?
For most of the centuries that we’ve
been growing these plants, we had
broccoli, sometimes called ‘sprouting
broccoli’. These are tall, tough, winter-
hardy brassicas, grown for their small,
prolific flowering spears – like mini-
cauliflowers that sprout from the tops of
the plants and from the leaf joints below.
They were invaluable as some of the few
fresh vegetables that could be cropped
outside in winter and spring.
Then along came calabrese.
Originating in Calabria, at the foot of

Italy’s boot, calabrese produces a
single, much larger, head – rather
like a green cauliflower – at the top of
shorter, unbranched plants. Although
the plants are hardy, the developing
heads can be damaged by frost.
Thinking that the term calabrese
would put people off the new veg,
supermarkets called it broccoli – as
distinct from sprouting broccoli.

Optimum sowing time
So sprouting broccoli is a biennial crop;
seed is sown in summer (about now), in
pots or in a short row outside, and young
plants are grown on and transplanted
about 2ft (60cm) apart in autumn. Large
and multi-branched, they can reach 3ft

(90cm) in height, so sturdy support
is wise. Purple or white spears are
produced from winter to late spring.
White is thought to have a better flavour
but plants are smaller and less productive

  • and they sometimes discolour – so
    there are far more purple-sprouted
    broccolis available than white types.
    Regular broccoli – strictly speaking,
    calabrese – is a quick-growing annual
    crop reaching no more than 2ft (60cm).
    Sow seeds from early spring to late
    summer (raising seedlings in modules
    is the most reliable method) then plant
    out, 1ft-16in (30-40cm) apart each way.
    Cropping continues from early summer
    until the frost; cut the large main head and
    shorter, smaller side shoots will develop.
    Remember they are brassicas, members
    of the cabbage family, so they are going
    to need protection from club root disease,
    caterpillars, pigeons and flea beetle – in
    the same way as cabbages, cauliflowers
    and Brussels sprouts (and wallflowers).
    All are highly nutritious vegetables,
    packed with flavour and easy to grow.

All photography Alamy, unless otherwise credited
Want to increase the
cropping season of your
broccoli? A chef friend of
mine grows a few sprouting
broccoli plants in a
polytunnel, and cuts
crops all winter.

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