Amateur Gardening – 20 July 2019

(Barry) #1

Sow seeds of sprouting broccoli
in July, in a seed bed or in pots.
Thin out, or prick out into 3½in (9cm)
pots. Plant out 2ft (60cm) apart, preferably
in a sheltered place, later in summer.
Support with stout stakes, one per
plant, in autumn.
Sow regular broccoli from March to
August; it can react badly to transplanting,
so sow in pots, move seedlings into
3½in (9cm) pots, then plant out.
Grow in a new site each year – this
will prevent the build-up of soil-borne
problems that will ruin your crop.
Protect both types from pests – right
from before the seeds germinate to
when the crop is finished (see below).
When cropping is over, remove plants
promptly and put on the compost heap.

Prick out seedlings into 9cm pots

Broccoli sowing, planting and care

Beating pests – large and small

Micromesh keeps pests off your crop

YOU can avoid club root by never
growing brassicas in the same site twice;
however, root fly, caterpillars, pigeons,
flea beetle, rabbits and other pests are
a very different matter. All of these are
highly destructive, and can waste your
effort and decimate your broccoli crops
with alarming speed. Physical barriers
are the best solution – in particular, very

YOU can use spacing to control the size
of the heads produced by regular broccoli
(or calabrese). The basic rule is this: the
bigger the space, the larger the head.
Plants can be set 9in (23cm) apart for a quick
crop of heads cut when they’re about the size of
a tennis ball; smaller side shoots will then develop.
Alternatively, set them 16in (40cm) apart for large
heads that take a little more time to develop.

Cabbage white caterpillars can
do a lot of damage

Which broccoli?

IN addition to sprouting and non-
sprouting, there’s also quite a range
of other, less widely grown broccoli
varieties. These have been
developed by crossing together
different types of brassicas, and
while none of them yet have AGMs,
they’re all worth looking out for.
‘Kailan’ broccoli is a cross
between regular broccoli and
Chinese cabbage, and is ideal
for stir-frying. ‘Atlantis’ is a green-
speared hybrid of regular broccoli
and Chinese broccoli. Tenderstem
broccoli varieties are hybrids
between broccoli and Chinese kale

  • look for ‘Inspiration’ or ‘Stemia’;
    their tender, tasty green spears are
    packed with flavour and goodness.

fine pale green (or white) plastic mesh,
sometimes sold as micromesh, that
keeps large and small insect pests out.
It’s ideal, because it will keep insects
and larger pests off your crop, while
still allowing rainfall, irrigation and
liquid feeds through. And as long
as you look after it, the same micromesh
can be used year after year.

Plant out later in the summer

Tenderstem is a cross between
Chinese kale and regular broccoli

Spatial awareness


a tennis ball; smaller side shoots will then develop.
Larger heads need
more room
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