Amateur Gardening – 20 July 2019

(Barry) #1

6 supersizers: big plants, big leaves

Tetrapanax papyrifer AGM
The fast-growing Chinese rice-paper
plant has gargantuan grey-green
leaves. Best positioned in sheltered
sun, it is hardy in most of UK, and will
regrow from the ground after a harsh
winter. H: 6½ft (2m).

Gunnera manicata
The ultimate boys’ plant, Chilean rhubarb
has huge, rough leaves and spiky stems
that create an otherworldly mass of green.
It needs poorly drained, moist soil in sun
or semi-shade. H: 5-8ft (1½-2½m).

Dicksonia antarctica AGM
The soft tree fern is a lush green
giant featuring 10ft (3m)-long fronds.
Deciduous in cold areas; requires
winter protection. Likes moist acid-
to-neutral soil and a spot in shade
or semi-shade. H: 6½-13ft (2-4m).

Melianthus major AGM
Plant honey bush for its big, glaucous
pinnate leaves and fast growth (5-6½ft/
1½-2m in one season!). Protect with a
winter mulch, and cut back to the ground
in spring. Well-drained soil in full sun.

Canna ‘Wyoming’ AGM
Has enormous purple-bronze leaves
that glow in the sun, topped by exotic
orange torch flowers in summer and
early autumn. Grow in moist, well-drained
borders, or in pots. H: 5-8ft (1½-2½m).

Musa basjoo AGM
With wonderful paddle-shaped leaves
that can reach 10ft (3m) long, Japanese
banana has bags of impact. In very cold
areas, grow in pots; in others, protect
the leaves over winter with a jacket of
fleece or straw. H: 6½-13ft (2-4m).

tomentosa are stooled (cut to the
ground) annually so their tall foliage can
be enjoyed without them forming trees!
Using big plants and mixing different
leaf sizes and textures is an exciting new
way to garden. Try it this summer – you’ll
find the results are addictive.

Architectural Plants 01798 879213
Burncoose Nurseries 01209 860316
Great Dixter 01797 254044

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