Amateur Gardening – 20 July 2019

(Barry) #1

Write to us:Ask John, Amateur Gardening magazine,
Pinehurst 2, Pinehurst Road, Farnborough Business Park,
Farnborough, Hants GU14 7BF.
Email us:[email protected]


Can black spot travel from roses to
other plants? Our honeysuckle also
seems to be suffering.
Mark Potter, Blackburn, Lancs


I am sorry that your roses have
succumbed to black spot disease.
The best way to control it is to spray
with RoseClear Ultra Gun, which also
tackles powdery mildew, rust and
aphids effectively, or FungusClear
Ultra Gun that protects plants for
more than four months.

Alternatively, use Bayer Garden
Fungus Fighter, which guards roses from
attack for up to three weeks.
Additionally, feed bushes with
1oz (28g) per m^2 of sulphate of potash.
Sprinkle it over the root area monthly,
from April to September, and water it in.
Potash strengthens growth and builds
resistance to infection.
Other funguses can cause problems
for honeysuckles, but not black spot.
Treat plants with FungusClear Ultra Gun
or Fungus Fighter Plus and feed them.

Does black spot spread from roses?


I planted what was described as
a ‘miniature’ camellia about 14
years ago. It is about 4ft (1.2m) high and
about 5ft (1½m) wide! How and when
should I prune it?
Graeme Yarwood, Haddington,
East Lothian


If you would like to reduce your
camellia by 12in (30cm) or so,
tackle it now. It doesn’t matter where
you start – top or bottom – the important
thing is to maintain a rounded symmetry.
Use sharp secateurs and, ideally, cut
to just above a leaf. Strong new shoots
should soon appear.
In future, if you wish to prune your
camellia, do it when blooms fade in late
spring. It won’t mind being pruned now,
but May or June are better months as
cuts heal more quickly then.

When should I cut back our camellia?

Black spot is specifi c to roses but other plants
have their own fungal problems


What can I use to kill off a tree
stump and roots?
Derek Beard,
Maidstone, Kent


If the roots
are too
large to dig out,
drill 1∕2in (13mm)
holes in the stump
and fill them with
SBK Brushwood Killer or
Roundup Tree Stump and Root Killer.
When the liquid has seeped
away, top it up. Repeat several times.

Quick questions

& answers


Please can you tell
me what this
plant is?
Norman Bailey,


This tall,
stately plant
is Nicotiana
sylvestris (flowering
tobacco). The elegant white flowers
have a lovely sweet fragrance
released at dusk.
Nicotiana sylvestris is a biennial
or short-lived perennial, but it is best
grown as a half-hardy annual from
seed each year in our cold climate.

Please can you tell
me what this

stately plant



I thought this was lavender –
but what is it?
Caroline Smith, via email


I feel sure that your plant is
black rampion (Phyteuma
nigrum). A native of
Belgium, France and
Germany, it
meadows and
open woods to
a height of
4,000ft (1,200m).
It is pretty and, if
you grew it on in a
lightly shaded patch, it should
proliferate and become an
appealing feature.

The best time to prune camellias is
in late spring after fl owering

stump and roots?

Maidstone, Kent

holes in the stump

SBK Brushwood Killer or

). A native of
Belgium, France and

4,000ft (1,200m).
It is pretty and, if
you grew it on in a
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