Amateur Gardening – 20 July 2019

(Barry) #1

Patio profusion: Buy next week’s AG (in the shops
July 23) to see how to keep your patio containers and
hanging baskets looking their best all summer.

Dividing a clump of irises

Remove unproductive material to create more blooms


Dig all the way around the plant so
you can lift it with soil attached and
without damaging the roots.



Pick off snails
at dusk

Healthy perennials should be
able to shake off most pest and
disease attacks but the British
summertime can throw up problems
for even the most robust plants.
Busy beds clustered with
many plants can fall foul of fungal
problems such as powdery mildew
and botrytis, especially when the
weather is humid.
Bolster plants with regular
watering and by not planting them
with plenty of space, so there is
good airflow between each one.
Remove and destroy affected
material and use a fungicide such
as Scotts Fungus Clear Ultra on
extreme infections.
Check regularly for pests, picking
snails off during torchlight dusk
patrols and squishing aphids
between your fingers.
Many pest predators, such as
hoverflies whose larvae eat aphids,
flock to perennials for their nectar
and pollen, so avoid using
chemicals where possible.

Seeing red with this week’s wallfl ower seeds


Fill a tray or modules
with fresh seed and
cutting compost. Tamp
it flat and dampen with
fresh tap water.


Scatter the seeds as
thinly as possible over
the surface. Don’t worry if
they clump – you can thin
seedlings later.


Cover the seeds
with a thin layer of
compost, vermiculite or a
mix of the two, then label
the seeds.


Add a lid (remove it
once the seeds have
germinated) and place
your tray on a warm, light
windowsill. Monitor regularly.


Once the plant is out, replenish
its replanting site with plenty of
well-rotted compost or manure.


Divide the plant using a spade or
knife or insert two garden forks
back to back and lever them apart.


Replant divisions to the same depth
as before, in a hole large enough to
accommodate all their roots.


Infill around the roots with soil and
compost, firming it down as you go
and heel-treading around the plant.


Water generously and don’t let the
ground dry out while the divisions
get established.

Powdery mildew can be combated
with watering and good ventilation
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