Tradition and Modernity | STEP BY STEP
EQUIPMENT – Tradition and Modernity
Airbrushes: Iwata HP-CS, Iwata Micron CM-SB
Paints: Createx Air, Oil, Lead Grisaille Grey Master Set
(Neutral Grey 1 – 9, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), Auto
Air Candy2O, Reducer 4011/4012
Further materials: Pencils, paper, pen, Adobe Photoshop,
App „Palette 9.1“
Surface: Canvas
Gathering color information
As per my usual method, I try to develop original
source material and have it available digitally in 1. mid-tone
values, 2. black and white and 3. full color. Because this is
predominately how I make my living, being prepared and
efficient with the execution of artwork is crucial and this is
the information that I use to make that task attainable.
Part 1: Grey tones
Convincing realism does not have to be painsta-
kingly tedious to be successful. While Photorea-
lism can at times depend on the most meticulous
of details to communicate its idea, traditional re-
alism separates itself by looking for that “grey”
area in paintings – say more...with less.
In this fi rst painting for this article, I will explore
the use of the gray tones (values) of my Createx
box kit while also using other Createx illustrati-
on and candy colors to render my painting.
Analyzing colors
When I think it will prove beneficial to the process,
I use an app on my smart phone called “Palettes 9.1”. You
can upload your art or a photograph of a specific image,
and it extracts a color palette based on a color analysis of
that image. I then take this result and cross-reference it with
some of the Createx colors I have and that I deem impor-
tant for use in the success of the painting. I don’t solely rely
on this information, but it gives me a solid foundation of
which to begin plotting my course. This foundation based
in science coupled with an intuition that comes with years
of experience, usually guarantees myself a successful process
and end result. For those that lack the experience, I find apps
such as “Palettes 9.1” to be very helpful in self-educating
yourself about color choice and knowledge – for a specific