Lighting & Decor – August 2019

(Tina Meador) #1
Revenue $2-$5 Million
B.A. Robinson Co. Ltd.
Penticton, BC, Canada


s a branch of the B. A. Robinson Co. Ltd. family of
stores, the Penticton, BC, location is making a mark
in new and exciting ways.
The 3,200-square-foot showroom, open since
2000, just doubled its space in an extensive renovation, which
has completely renewed the shopping experience there, with
more displays for customers to touch and feel, plus more
options available now that the showroom wouldn’t have had
the room to place before.
“In winning this award, all of the work we put in as a team
has been validated,” says Amber Arnott, Brand Administrator.
“We have tremendous support from the Robinson Co. —
they stood by us as we commenced on this journey
and are celebrating the win with us.”
It’s B.A. Robinson Penticton’s goal that
every customer who steps into the show-
room feels inspired. Connection with
the salespeople, and astute merchan-
dising touches, really make the differ-
ence when customers visit. Inside,
an operational shower included
in its displays allows them to feel
the variations in pressure between
10 different shower heads, which
staff has found is very important in
customer satisfaction; bathtub displays
are on the floor, not mounted on the
walls, which allows customers to try them
out — important when you consider how
crucial relaxation in the tub can be; and,
a clean, white backdrop throughout the
space allows the product to sparkle with a
hint of natural wood to bring in warmth.
Beyond the beautiful presentation,
customers feel at home when they’re in
the B.A. Robinson Penticton showroom.
Whether they’ve come to browse and
get ideas, or if they are sitting down for
a full consultation on their plumbing and
lighting fixture needs, the showroom
prides itself on providing the products
that are offered in larger centers, but
in a much more personal environment;
higher-end and more exclusive options
are also available.
B.A. Robinson cares about community, too — the company
gives back to charities throughout Canada. Every employee
has the option of donating a small amount from each of their
paychecks to contribute to charities in their area. Management
teams also set up volunteer opportunities for the staff as well,
most commonly during the holiday season. The Penticton
showroom specifically donates and assists with fundraising

efforts for the Women in Need Society,
and also contributes to the Empty
Stocking Fund around the holidays.
“We believe we really shine in our
community involvement,” Arnott says.
“All of us on personal levels, and as a
company. We not only donate time and
funds to many local charities and groups,
but we have a few members who are
on the board of the local building associ-
ation and we’re planning on using
the showroom as a location to hold
events for local industry learning and
networking events.”
It’s clear that B.A. Robinson Penticton’s
risk paid off — it’s filling a void in its
community and seeing success. For other
showrooms who are thinking about embarking on an expan-
sion or renovation, Arnott urges them to trust their knowledge
of the product and their customer.
“Take chances, step outside of your comfort zone and evoke
the creativity you want from your customers. And be true to
your brand and your business — it’s easy to sell ideas you
believe in.” AUG.19 | 29


Amber Arnott
accepts the
Showroom of the
Year Award for B.A.
“Take chances, step outside
of your comfort zone and
evoke the creativity you want
from your customers. And be
true to your brand and your
business — it’s easy to sell
ideas you believe in.”
— Amber Arnott
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