Lighting & Decor – August 2019

(Tina Meador) #1
32 | AUG.19


Rachel Lansing
Sotoloff and
team accept
the Community
Showroom of the
Year Specialty
Award, presented by
Dallas Market Center
President and
CEO Cindy Morris
(left) and VP of
Lighting Technology
Development &
Marketing Laura Van
Zeyl (right).

Exceptional Community
Idlewood Electric
Highland Park, IL


oman-owned Idlewood Electric has been
involved in the Highland Park, IL, and
surrounding communities for more than
60 years. The third-generation owners
believe that giving back as a company has a stronger
impact on the community at large, so their whole staff
strives to participate in or create fundraisers that give
back in meaningful ways.
“Giving back to the community is more than business,”
says Rachel Lansing Sotoloff, head of Idlewood’s
Marketing and PR team. “It represents who Idlewood is.”
And give back they do. Idlewood boasts an impres-
sive resume of charitable events. Two years ago, after
hurricanes Maria and Harvey affected Florida,
Puerto Rico and Houston, Idlewood Electric
banded together with one of its premier
manufacturers to host a paintball tour-
nament to raise funds for the victims
of these disasters. With a turnout
of more than 60 customers and
employees, the showroom raised
more than $1,000 that was proudly
donated to the Red Cross hurricane
relief efforts.
“We received such positive
feedback from our customers that we
hosted a similar event this past fall with
the same mission of donating to a cause
in need,” Lansing Sotoloff says.
Idlewood Electric also donates to
multiple silent auctions throughout the
Chicagoland area and makes regular
donations to Habitat for Humanity.
The showroom’s involvement with the
Highland Park Rotary Club allows them
to participate in various local fundraisers
throughout the year as well. Also, during
the holiday season, Idlewood “adopts”
several families and enjoys shopping
for them.
“When our team works together
toward a goal, it brings the Idlewood family closer together
and allows us to do something bigger than ourselves
individually,” says Lansing Sotoloff of the showroom’s
charitable efforts.
And even beyond charity, Idlewood makes it a point to
stay involved in the community. Every fall, Idlewood hosts
its annual Contractor Night, which brings out more than 300
customers. This one-of-a-kind evening features nearly 30 of the
showroom’s manufacturers stationed throughout their space,

giving customers an opportunity to
learn about new products, better
understand existing products on
the market and meet many of the
top leaders of the companies they
purchase from regularly. Idlewood
provides a fully catered dinner and
bar, plus prizes, raffles and its infamous
Money Machine.
Another way the showroom is
actively involved in its community is
during monthly Counter Days. On
select days during the month, different
manufacturers spend time in Idlewood’s
showroom to discuss their product with
customers. During these Counter Days,
lunch is provided and games — like
bags, for instance — are played with a
suggested donation to a specific
charity, such as Lurie Children’s Hospital
in Chicago.
“This Community Involvement award
is a testament to the fact that there is a place for brick-and-
mortar,” says Barbara Lansing, CEO. “Yes, people want the
ease of being able to come in and see something then maybe
order it later from home, but there is a connection that people
still need. Whether it’s sitting down and having a coffee in the
showroom to discuss your needs, or seeing new technology
demonstrated in front of you, it’s people who are giving you
those recommendations, and you’re building relationships —
you can’t replace that.”

“This Community
Involvement award is a
testament to the
fact that there is still a place
for brick-and-mortar.”
— Barbara Lansing
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