Analytics Insight – July 2019

(Wang) #1

Data Science education

is poised for tremendous

growth for the following:

one, ever-increasing

generation of data; two,

continued improvements

in machine learning

algorithms; three,

sustained advancements

in computing resources;

four, ever increasing gap

between the demand

and supply of capable,

well-trained data science


competitions to create assignments and student solutions are
benchmarked against global leader-boards.
The class learns the principles of Big Data using Hadoop/
Spark and Python; migrating and porting machine learning
applications from their laptops to the Amazon AWS platform to
understand how to leverage the power of large clusters.
Domain analytics modules give students a foundation in the
principles of functional domains like finance, human resources
and marketing and in verticals like retail and telecom so that
they can relate to the “business end” of business analytics.
Finally, a comprehensive, practice-based course in business
communication prepares the students to ‘tell the story’ of the
business problem and the consequent analytics solution – a skill
all data scientists need.

Visionary Leader Driving Institutional Excellence
Prof. Charanpreet Singh is one of the founders of the institute, and
his primary role is to build an institution that understands and
addresses the changing needs of both its primary stakeholders

  • students and industry. He had a remarkable 12-year journey so
    far. Praxis started as a business school in 2007 and as early as
    2011 it started a full-time program in business analytics. There
    were two drivers for this decision:

  • The institute leaders knew they had to differentiate themselves.

  • They realized that the industry would need people with
    analytics skills in large numbers.
    As part of the decision-making body at Praxis, Prof. Charanpreet
    tried to ensure that the institute keeps its intent honest. Every
    decision the institute makes has to be good for the students
    and the industry they are training them to join. This intent has
    driven frequent updating of the curriculum to keep it always
    relevant; selection and retention of high-quality faculty; forging
    of strong relationships with the industry. As a result, Praxis has
    been recognized as a top data science program for the last 8
    years - despite the entry of many top institutes in this domain.

A Pioneer with Distinct Advantages
Praxis runs a solid, rigorous, serious program that responds with
agility to changing technologies and business requirements.
Some of its advantages are:

Full-time program
This ensures Praxis has candidates who are serious about Data
Science, and ready to devote all their time to learning the
concepts, applying them to business problems, experimenting
with multiple techniques, and engaging in a strong, campus-
based analytics ecosystem.


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